Sunday, November 20, 2011

1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS -The Spoilers- 2009 JL’s 40th Anniversary Series Release 8 Diecast Scale 1:73 by Johnny Lightning

Las series de televisión y algunas películas fueron y han sido fuente de inspiración para la creación de modelos y líneas completas en Johnny Lightning. 

Gracias a los oficios de William Winckler, JL logró el licenciamiento para producir diecast basados en series como: Match 5, Supercar o Tierra de Gigantes (también he visto modelos producidos con base en series como: Carreras Locas, Los Picapiedras, Los Simpsons, Los Cazafantasmas, Perdidos en el Espacio, entre otras) pero nuevamente el incumplimiento en el pago de regalías por parte de Playing Mantis, dueña de JL, le hizo perder sus derechos de uso. 

Todas las compañías dan pasos en falso, pero la reputación o "buena voluntad" es algo que debe cuidarse como un tesoro... Esta historia continuará... 

Los Muscle Cars americanos están muy bien representados en este blog (y continuarán estándolo, créanme =P) así que, tenía ansiedad por presentar a este super clásico, el cual fue la inspiración para el renacimiento de los Camaro, luego de su casi extinción en 2002... 

El Chevrolet Camaro SS de 1967, que venía lleno de opciones, alcanzaba en su versión más agresiva un estatus de alto desempeño con un motor V8 427, clasificado en 400 hp, ¡todo lo que un devorador de pavimento debe ser y un buen rival para el Ford Mustang GT de la época!...

Johnny Lightning puso su cuota de Camaros en esta serie con un apetitoso modelo de excelente detalle (¡aún las llantas tienen tampos presentando el logo de Goodyear!), esquema de color super-deportivo y sin capó, pues trae un motor monumental... 

¿Tengo que mencionar que me encanta?... Que el DIOS de la Biblia nos sea propicio y nos permita vernos la próxima semana... =)

The TV series and some movies were and have been a source of inspiration for the creation of models and full-lines for Johnny Lightning. 

Thanks to the work of William Winckler, JL obtained the license to produce diecast based on series such as: Speed Racer, Supercar or Land of the Giants (I have seen as well some models produced based on series like: Wacky Races, The Flinstones, The Simpsons, The Ghostbusters, Lost in Space, etc.) but again the breach in the payment of royalties by Playing Mantis, owner of JL, made them lose their use rights. 

All companies make missteps, but the reputation or "goodwill" is something we must care as a treasure... To be continued... 

The American Muscle Cars are very well represented in this blog (and they will be, believe me =P) so, I was anxious to introduce this super classic, which was the inspiration for the rebirth of the Camaro, after its near extinction in 2002... 

The 1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS, which had been full of options, reached in its most aggressive version the high-performance status with a 427 V8 engine, rated at 400 hp, everything a pavement devourer must be and a good match for the Ford Mustang GT at that time!... 

Johnny Lightning puts its share of Camaros in this series with this palatable model of excellent detail (even the tires have tampos featuring the Goodyear logo!), a super-sport color scheme and without hood, because it brings a monumental engine... 

Do I have to mention that I love it?... May the GOD of the Bible be propitious and allows us to have an appointment next week... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

The colour scheme kind of reminds me to Boston Celtic if you know the NBA team. Pretty cool for a vintage sport car and stunning oversized engine like a Powered GM with those huge thrusters.

chrismandesign said...

Boston Celtics... yep, its official color scheme HEHEHE... for me the color scheme has a resemblance with that of Herbie, The Love Bug LOL... the Camaros even without modifications have a more than decent performance, specially the 60’s and 70’s models... their enthusiastic buyers usually customized them with the manufacturer options and/or kits from high performance manufacturers, so the final result was monsters like this one =)

Bera said...

nice camaro you have there with that blown engine. This looks different for me because the usual old camaro comes in yellow w/ black stripes (bumblebee) or red w/ black stripes haha. They are really different when they're out of the blister.

chrismandesign said...

the Camaro, for me, is one of the most beautiful american muscle cars ever created... and yes, indeed the current design for the Bumblebee’s Camaro is based on the 60’s body (just like this one)... by the way, a toy (or diecast) inside its card/box is like a bird inside a cage, so let them BE FREE !!! LOL XD

cortesmachineart said...

... porque muestra mi maquina nueva mijo acaso no le dije que le tomara fotos apenas terminaran de arreglar la 26?... ahora como me la voy a sodar tragandome esos semaforos en rojo... ud si no, no,no ... yo vere chino me lo deja bien polichadito y full brilla metal pal motor... quiero que cuando ruja la people use gafas para que el brillo con el sol los deje ciegos y sordos... ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...

chrismandesign said...

pues cómo le digo jefe???... me tocó chancletearlo bastante allá en la pista de piques 1/4 de milla en Tocancipá, porque estaba como pistoneando mucho y tenía desajustada la chumacera HAHAHAHAHAHA...

David John Shewsbury said...

Ahh... Camaro... I have 1... but not this type, just the normal 1978 Camaro Z28 from Maisto

chrismandesign said...

i have not heard that Maisto made this kind of models... i’m affraid that you will see more and more of the Camaro and other Muscle Cars poison here LOL... thx for your comments David