Sunday, January 29, 2012

2010 Rapid Response - Hot Wheels Concept Car 2010 HW Premiere Series 20/52 Diecast No Scale by Hot Wheels

En los últimos días me he sentido muy raro... 

Empecé a escuchar cosas... Música... Y fui invadido por un deseo incontrolable de bailar (¡además, lo hacía muy bien!)... 

Dado que los síntomas resultaban muy perturbadores, decidí llamar a mi médico de cabecera: el Dr. Beat... 

Cuando llegó (en circunstancias que explicaré después) comenzó a auscultarme y me dijo: "me temo que tendremos que examinar su próstata"... A lo que yo respondí tajantemente: "sabe, doctor, ¡ya me siento mucho mejor!". HAHAHA... 

Si se preguntan qué tiene que ver esto con mi publicación para hoy, pues mi respuesta es: TODO. El Dr. Beat llega a sus consultas a domicilio en una ambulancia similar a la que ven publicada y a la que aparece en el video. 

Es más, la ambulancia en la que llega es casi tan hormonada como su enfermera acompañante (que también se asemeja a la del video, con unos niveles de testosterona "ligeramente" por encima de promedio)... 

Ahora, hablando en serio, yo soy un "devoto" de los vehículos de emergencia, especialmente los de los cuerpos de policía, bomberos y por supuesto las ambulancias, producidas en los EE.UU.A. 

Hot Wheels diseñó un modelo que captó mi atención de forma inmediata, y que me recuerda al Ford E450 EVI Wheeled Coach, aunque claro, es una extrapolación diseñada por Alec Tam. 

Sus detalles y decoración son bastante interesantes y bueno, si está aquí, es porque pasó mis exigentes requerimientos. 

Contando con la buena Voluntad de DIOS, nos veremos la semana que viene con algo más... =)

In the last few days days I have felt very strange...

I started hearing things... Music... And I was invaded by an uncontrollable desire to dance (moreover, I did it pretty well!)... 

Given that the symptoms were very disturbing, I decided to call my family doctor: Dr. Beat... 

When he arrived (in circumstances which I will explain later) he began to auscultate me and said: "I’m afraid we’ll have to examine your prostate..." To which I replied sharply: "you know, doctor, now I feel much better!". HAHAHA... 

If you were wondering what this has to do with my publication for today, well, my answer is: EVERYTHING. Dr. Beat arrives to his home visits in an ambulance which is pretty similar to the one published and also to the one displayed in the video. 

Even more, the ambulance in which he arrives has almost as much hormones as his accompanying nurse (who also resembles the one of the video, with levels of testosterone "slightly" above average)... 

Now, seriously, I’m a "devotee" of emergency vehicles, specially from the police, fire corps and of course, the ambulances produced in the U.S.A. 

Hot Wheels designed a model that caught my attention right away and which reminds me of the Ford E450 EVI Wheeled Coach, but clearly, is an extrapolation designed by Alec Tam. 

The detail and decoration are quite interesting and well, if it’s here is because it passed my stringent requirements. 

Relying in the good Will of GOD, we will see you next week with something more... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Ha! Ha! For a moment, I really thought you are mentally ill or almost close. Lol... That's a futuristic looking ambulance you just got. It's quite rare to see you attached video clip on your post. That's pretty nice cos I'm typing my comment and at the same time listening to the sound... Retro....

chrismandesign said...

well, sometimes i think the same about me... crazy, mad, insane, i need it to survive LOL... now, indeed is the second time i publish a video to complement my posts, ’cause i think it’s completely consistent, even necessary to understand some things (like my insanity, for example...) and i think as well that this post brings the concept "retro-futuristic" to a brand new level LLLOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL XD

David John Shewsbury said...

Its good that you like the so called uniform and rescue vehicles - Hot Wheels and other brands do produced such product segment to cater collectors like you ^__^

chrismandesign said...

oh yeah, i love’em ♥♥♥♥♥!!! their graphics and machinery are awesome and i have seen some rescue vehicles (specially fire trucks) that i would like to own... the problems is: they’re very expensive so, this is a great consolation prize =)

Bera said...

I am getting frustrated finding you have a new post here but I am not getting informed! Blogger must fix it. it's not fair! LOL.

I can say you are a random collector of types of car/vehicles. Last time was a spaceship and now, a futuritic ambulance + that music LOL!

I do like your post. It's something I don't usually see and hear from a diecast collector haha.

chrismandesign said...

yeah, it’s quite disappointing !!! i mean, all my blogger colleagues can check my latest post without problem... i checked as well my settings and they’re ok =(... at least you already know the frequency of my posts =)...

HEHE... you can say i’m a bit random and that’s true, but certainly my choices in toys and collectibles are not random at all... the fact is that i like variety =)

oh, and that will sound a bit cocky, but i’m one of a kind LOL... i cannot avoid someone else to own a collectible i own, but nobody will show and tell the things i do... my madness is only mine LOL...

THX for your loyal visits pal, you will always be welcome =)