Sunday, February 12, 2012

2008 Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR 2009 JL’s 40 Anniversary Series Release 8 Diecast Scale 1:61 by Johnny Lightning

Esta es otra de esas oportunidades en que un auto de por sí clasificado como super deportivo (uno de los pocos provenientes de Norteamérica), es "afinado" para incrementar su desempeño de forma notoria con ciertas "delicadezas" que lo hacen aún más especial. 

El Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR de 2008 (donde ACR significa American Club Racing, por sus siglas en inglés) es una versión del Viper con mejoras como: filtros de aire K&N Engineering, tubos de admisión más eficientes, suspensión ajustable, más rígida y discos de freno masivos de 14" con doble pinza de Brembo. 

En cuanto a la aerodinámica, los deflectores delanteros y trasero fueron mejorados por CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) y fabricados principalmente en fibra de carbono. Los rines son de 18" x 10" adelante y 19" x 13" atrás, en aluminio forjado liviano. 

Todo esto y algunas cosas más, contribuyeron a una reducción de peso de 64 lb (casi 30 kg) y aunque su motor de 600 hp y 560 lb/ft no fue modificado, ¡el auto "anda" mucho mejor!... 

Lo más interesante es que este "paquete" es legal para calle y se ofreció por debajo de los US$ 100.000 para 2008 (por estos días su valor debe haberse incrementado considerablemente). 

Johnny Lightning golpea de nuevo en este blog, con una pieza impactante, que reproduce con bastante fidelidad la silueta y esquema de color rojo con decoración negra del auto original. 

Como es costumbre en JL (sobretodo en los modelos más recientes), el trabajo de pintura y tampografía es muy bueno para esta escala y por ello aquí tendrá un "espacio de exhibición"... 

Espero contar con sus visitas regulares y les deseo bendiciones del DIOS de Gloria y Majestad... Hasta la semana que viene...=)

This is another of those times when a car classified per se as a super sport car (one of the few made in the U.S.A.), is "tuned" to increase markedly its performance with certain "delicacies" which makes it even more special. 

The 2008 Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR (where ACR means American Club Racing) is a version of the Viper with upgrades such as: K&N Engineering air filters, smooth intake tubes, stiffer and adjustable suspension and massive 14" disc brakes with double caliper by Brembo. 

As to the aerodynamics, the front and rear deflectors were improved by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and made mainly in carbon fiber. The wheels are 18" x 10" front and 19" x 13" rear, in lightweight forged aluminum. 

All this and some other little changes, contributed to a reduction in weight of 64 lb (about 30 kg) and although the engine with 600 hp and 560 lb/ft was not modified, the car "runs" much better!... 

What’s interesting is that this "package" is street-legal and offered bellow US$ 100,000 for 2008 (nowadays its value should have been increased considerably). 

Johnny Lightning strikes again in this blog, with a shocking piece, which reproduce quite accurately the shape and color scheme red with black decoration of the actual vehicle. 

As usual in JL (specially in the latest models), the paint and pad printing jobs are very good for this scale and therefore they will have a "showroom" in this place... 

I look forward for your regular visits and wish you blessings from the GOD of Glory and Majesty... Until next week...=)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Nice that the wheels come in all black. The engine compartment has got some details and spoiler adds character to this super sports car.

chrismandesign said...

yeah!!! indeed it has great detail below its hood but it cannot be opened so much (and i will not force it for my own sake LOL)... the black wheels and the spoilers are inspired in the actual car and they make it look more bad ass than the original Viper, for sure !!!

David John Shewsbury said...

the modern "Knight Riders"

chrismandesign said...

yeah!!! for its "pedigree" this car is like a knight on the road but with the manners of a plebeian LOL... of course, in the right hands it can be the king defeating brutally other serious riders on the way =O

Bera said...

nice casting by JL!. I think Black is better like the one on the video. But are almost accurate. I like the black rims too! :)

chrismandesign said...

the color scheme and decor is accurate in fact... 2 options were offered for this 2008 Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR, one is the one displayed on the video (black with red decor) and the other is the one i’m publishing (red with black decor)... in later models were available other color schemes like white or silver with black decor and they all look awesome !!!... by the way, this cast is the best available for the Viper in this scale (1:64) and the Hot Wheels cast for example is a bit far from the level of detail achieved here...

THX pal for your constant support... =)