Sunday, April 1, 2012

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Star Trek Federation Ships & Alien Ships Collection Miniature Display Model by Furuta

Teniente Nyota Uhura: ¡capitán, tenemos un ataque inminente en progreso! 
Capitán James T. Kirk: navegante Chekov, infórmeme sobre cualquier actividad hostil en los alrededores.
Navegador Chekov: (2 minutos después) no hay señal de naves de ataque 5 años luz a la redonda, capitán... 
Captain James T. Kirk: ¿está segura sobre ese ataque inminente teniente Uhura? 
Teniente Nyota Uhura: absolutamente capitán, pero me temo que no fuí tan clara... Nuestro chef en jefe derramó accidentalmente un frasco completo de TURBOLAX sobre la sopa, así que tendrémos un inminente ataque de diarrea, señor...
Captain James T. Kirk: ¡tomen control de todos los baños de esta nave y alquilen todos los baños de este sistema solar si es necesario!... 

BUAHAHA... Dado que esta es mi última publicación sobre Star Trek, envié mi lucidez lejos, muy lejos y dejé todo el espacio para la demencia O___X... 

La mejor manera de cerrar este capítulo es trayendo la Enterprise más icónica de la serie de TV original. 

No es un secreto que el diseño de esta nave espacial marcó un "antes y después" en la iconografía de la ciencia ficción, tan lejos como allá en los 60s y el crédito por eso es para Matt Jefferies. 

Furuta hizo un trabajo notable en estas mini-replicas y me dí cuenta que se están haciendo más valiosas con el paso del tiempo... Bueno, creo que es la tendencia natural en este tipo de cosas. 

¡Me gustan y eso es lo que realmente importa ah! Y como bonus una imagen de mi colección de Star Trek =P. 

El Señor Jesucristo ha sido benevolente con este bloguero y yo espero que Su benevolencia continue la semana entrante, así que dejémos que vengan los buenos tiempos... =)

Lieutenant Nyota Uhura: captain, we have an imminent attack in progress! 
Captain James T. Kirk: navigator Chekov, inform me about any hostile activity in the surroundings.
Navigator Chekov: (2 minutes later) there is no signal of enemy attack ships 5 light years to the round, captain... 
Captain James T. Kirk: are you sure about that imminent attack lieutenant Uhura? 
Lieutenant Nyota Uhura: absolutely captain, but I’m afraid I was not so clear... Our head chef accidentally spilled a complete bottle of TURBOLAX on the soup, so we will have an imminent attack of diarrhea, sir...
Captain James T. Kirk: take control of every bathroom in this ship and rent every bathroom in this solar system if necessary!... 

BUAHAHA... Given that this is my last publication on the Star Trek topic, i sent my lucidity far, far away and left all the room for the insanity O___X... 

The best way to close this chapter is bringing the most iconic Enterprise from the original TV series. 

It’s not a secret that the design of this ship marked a "before and after" in the science fiction iconography, as far as in the 60s and the credit for that is for Matt Jefferies. 

Furuta made a remarkable work in these mini-replicas and I realized that they’re becoming more and more expensive as time goes by... Well, I guess is the natural trend of this kind of stuff. 

I like them and that’s what really matters, oh! And as a bonus a picture of my entire Star Trek collection =P. 

The Lord Jesus Christ has been benevolent with this blogger and I do hope His benevolence will continue next week, so let the good times roll... =)


Bera said...

spaceship collection is still growing and growing! hahaha and you even created a short script for it!haha. I wonder how bathrooms in a spacecraft like this look like... and seriously... how does the absence of gravity affect their liquids?? if you know what I mean...LOL!

chrismandesign said...

and i thought i was gross... ... ... HAHAHAHAHA... you have a great sense of humor pal !!! but i have to make a couple of clarifications... first: this collection of Star Trek ships is finished for me (but the visits will continue =) second: these ships have/had control of gravity so, what should go down, goes down HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... (uhmmmm i have such a great sense of humor... isn’t it ??? LOL)

you’re very welcome =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This piece seems more vintage looking. The thing about Startrek U.S.S display is that they look harmless and vulnerable to attack.

chrismandesign said...

absolutely Dennis, is the first Enterprise in fact... these vessels are intended to be exploration ships firstly, but as they travel to unfamiliar places of the universe, they have armament like photon torpedoes and phasers, also deflector shields as defense, just enough to keep enemies away... of course, when it comes to attack ships, we are used to big and bulky cruisers... your comments are always appreciated pal =)

cortesmachineart said...


chrismandesign said...

pues cómo le digo sucio... ese chascarrillo lo tenía rondándome la cabeza hace rato y por fín me desquité... de vez en cuando es bueno burlarse un poquito de las series vieja guardia, que tanto palo dieron (y no precisamente por lo malas)... eso está bien, que apoye a sus amigos y colegas blogueros =)

LEon said...

Salute for you having these numbers of USS Enterprise.

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHA... the surprises of collecting, good to hear something from you !!! =)... well, indeed there are some other models available, but this was one of those unrepeatable opportunities to get them at a reasonable price... i’m glad that you liked them and welcome back LEon !!! =D