Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Capsule Toy Set of 5 by Yujin

Este es uno de esos pequeños tesoros que estuvo esperando por mucho tiempo a ser publicado (tal vez 2 años o algo así) por razones que ni yo mismo sé...

Algunas veces olvido lo que tengo en mi colección y de repente me doy cuenta que es algo que merece una oportunidad en este lugar caótico, mi blog.

De hecho estoy hablando sobre un recuerdo de una de mis cintas favoritas de Tim Burton, una primorosa muestra de anacronismo, un ejemplo de ese arte olvidado de la animación stop motion, el encuentro entre Jack Skellington y Papá Noel. 

Estos son juguetes tipo capsule con un concepto similar al de las figuras gashapon, cuando los compré tenían una disponibilidad normal incluso en mi cuidad natal, pero ahora son un item difícil de conseguir (si llegas a encontarlo en existencia...), con gran atención a los detalles.

La mini-urna es un cráneo de Jack Skellington lo que es una característica de diseño genial y si esto no fuera lo suficientemente tierno, dentro en la parte superior, hay un recubrimiento fluorescente que por supuesto brilla en la oscuridad.

Las figuras en sí se ajustan perfecto dentro de la mini-urna y tienen partes removibles, sobre el detalle, pueden mirarlo por sí mismos y las mini-urnas pueden ser ensambladas una sobre otra, ¿qué más podría querer?...

Ahora es tiempo de decir hasta pronto y quiera el DIOS Todopoderoso permitirme publicar algo más la semana que viene...=)

This is one of those little treasures which were waiting for a long time to be published (maybe 2 years or so) for reasons even I myself don’t know...

Sometimes I just forget what I have in my collection and suddenly I realize that is something that deserves a chance in this chaotic place, my blog.

Indeed I’m talking about another souvenir from one of my favorite movies by Tim Burton, a lovely piece of anachronism, a sample of that forgotten art of the stop motion animation, the encounter between Jack Skellington and Santa Claus. 

These are capsule toys with a similar concept to that of the gashapon figures, which when I bought them had a normal availability even here in my hometown, but nowadays is an item hard to find (if you get to find it in stock...), with great attention to details.

The mini display urn is a Jack Skellington skull which is a great design feature and if that weren’t cute enough, inside on top there is a fluorescent coating that obviously glows in the dark.

The figures themselves fit nicely inside the display case and have removable parts... About their detail, you can watch by yourselves and the mini display urns can be attached one above the another, what else you could want?...

Now is time to say bye and may the Almighty GOD let me publish something else next week... =)


Bera said...

wahahahaha! I got excited when I saw your updated from my blog roll. I thought they're marbles... large marbles. But when I found out they are actually capsule toys and what are the contents...... i start to get envious LOL! although Nightmare before Christmas bores me every time I tried to watch it, I still love the characters and the gloomy atmosphere of this musical show.

this is indeed a treasure to keep :D

chrismandesign said...

as you, i don’t like so much musicals... you know, people singing because a trailer crushed some other people and things like that... LOL (?)... but i watched some "behind the cams" of this movie and i found it amazing... the characters, the backgrounds, the animation... man that’s art !!!... fortunately Tim makes some movies with less music here and there XD... THX for your visits pal, always welcome =D

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Sorry, I'm late to comment... It's a really must read post since it's 2 years in the making. I have many toys which I like to post but are also often delayed. I have watched the first movie of 'Nightmare before Christmas' with my ex girlfriend but it was donkey years ago and I could remember the plot. Anyway these are really adorable, shall I call them diorama in capsule. Nice art by Yujin...

chrismandesign said...

don’t worry pal, is better late than never =D... i guess to be forgetful is a common malady among collectors LOL... actually this is an "old" movie with almost 20 years on its back and seriously i forgot about the musical parts, but i do remember the gloomy/cute design of the characters and sets which i love and these toys are lovely too !!! =)