Sunday, May 6, 2012

Transformers 2009 The Revenge of the Fallen Movie Series Wave 2 Bulldozer Rampage Decepticon -Deluxe Class- Transformable Action Figure by Hasbro

La historia humana es pródiga en personajes sanguinarios, aquellos a los que les apasiona la violencia con o sin sentido, la destrucción masiva, que sienten un placer morboso por el sufrimiento ajeno. 

La ficción también a creado personajes con una notable propensión al sadismo y la brutalidad, pero creo que la realidad supera con creces a la fantasía en lo que a monstruosidades se refiere... 

¡DIOS nos libre de las atrocidades de las que somos capaces, por causa de nuestra naturaleza caída! 

El hecho que tenga una afición que me apasiona, no significa que haya perdido el contacto con la realidad o que sea un indolente, sencillamente aquí prefiero hablar de cosas más agradables. 

Este es un pequeño espacio para el humor, la locura y también la reflexión... Al fin y al cabo, este blog es un reflejo de su multifacético creador: YO... HAHAHA... 

Ahora, volviendo a los personajes violentos, Rampage, desde su aparición en la primera generación de Trasformers, se destacó por su apetito desmedido por la destrucción del adversario. 

Cuando se alia con su equipo que en la G1 era los Predacons y posteriormente paso a ser los Constructicons, resulta una amenaza muy seria. 

Para la segunda parte de la saga fílmica de los Transformers: La Venganza de los Caídos, hizo su aparición este salvaje Decepticon y Hasbro lo trajo a la vida real en esta versión Deluxe Class. 

Uno de mis más cercanos amigos / colegas logró echarle mano antes que yo y mi premio de consolación fue el permiso expreso de publicarlo aquí. 

Es una figura con lujo de detalles, que luce fabulosa en cualquiera de sus tres modos y cuya transformación resulta todo un reto, de hecho considero que es la más compleja que haya visto en toda la Deluxe Class. Espero continuar recibiendo sus visitas y si deciden hacerse mis seguidores no me va a molestar en lo absoluto. 

Que DIOS nos bendiga y nos guarde... =)

The human history is rich in bloody characters, those who are passionate for the violence with or without sense, for mass destruction, those who have a guilty pleasure in the suffering of others. 

Fiction also has created characters with a remarkable propensity for sadism and brutality, but I think that reality exceeds by far the imagination when it comes to monstrosities... 

GOD save us from the atrocities which we are able to do, because of our fallen nature! 

The fact that I have a hobby which I love, doesn’t mean that a have lost touch with reality or that I’m unresponsive, simply I prefer to talk about more pleasant things here. 

This is a little place for humor, madness and reflection as well... At the end of the day, this blog is a reflection of its multifaceted creator: ME... HAHAHA... 

Now, returning to the violent characters, Rampage, since its emergence in the first generation of Transformers, was noted for his excessive appetite for the destruction of the enemy. 

When he allied with his team that in the G1 was the Predacons and later become the Constructicons, is a very serious threat. 

For the second part of the film saga Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen, appeared this wild Decepticon and Hasbro brought it to real life in this Deluxe Class release. 

One of my closest friends / colleagues managed to get his hands on it before me and my consolation prize was the permission to publish it here. 

Is a nicely detailed figure that looks fabulous in any of its three modes and whose transformation is a challenge, in fact I think that is the most complex I’ve seen in all the Deluxe Class. 

I look forward to receive your visits and if you decide to become my followers, that will not bother me at all. 

May GOD bless and protect us... =)


Bera said...

I watched Transformers 1-3 but I think I missed this character or I was just not very interested on each of the characters in the movie esp those that aren't very famous.

I have the icecream truck by Hasbro- those twins, but I gave it to a friend. To be honest, I just watched the movie because of it's popularity and to check out the improvement of the effects in every movie. But if they ask me if it was good, I can just tell, yeah the effects and fighting scenes were all good...

I'm still hoping for a Voltes V or Daimos movie... :)

chrismandesign said...

i see that you’re not so in the Transformers move, maybe you didn’t have a contact with the G1 because i remember very well the Constructicons which were my favorite Decepticon team (tough Rampage is not that recognizable for me)...

i do remember as well most of the characters in the movies (i only have watched the 1st part, for the rest, only trailers... is pending the complete movies)... and you gave that skids/mudflap figure... how you dare ??? =PPPPP... seriously you’re not in the TFs move =P...

to achieve the correct balance, i’m not in the move of Voltes V or Daimos... maybe Voltron, Arbegas or even Diapolon or Mazinger Z =PPPPP LOL

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

My goodness, don't tell me this is 1/5 of Constructicons and you exactly all the others but slowing unfolding them one by one. That will be awesome. Actually Rampage didn't quite appeal to be in robot mode. I guess for TF to be in 3 modes requires complexity.

chrismandesign said...

errrr... firstly, THX for your loyal visits pal =)... secondly, this figure is not mine but from a friend and not me neither him have more of these Constructicons =/... i agree that Rampage looks weird in robot mode, but in vehicle mode is just awesome !!!... also this figure has a lot of great details and i love the feeling of the track (caterpillar)... =D

David John Shewsbury said...

when it comes to transformation robot/mecha/toys, nothing can beat the Transformers products from Hasbro (rest of the world) and Takara Tomy (Japan market)

chrismandesign said...

totally agree and altough Takara Tomy is not available here in my country, i managed to bring a few of them to my collection... the best of both worlds =)