Sunday, April 29, 2012

1968 Ford Mustang Shelby (Cobra) GT-500 (KR) 2009 JL’s 40 Anniversary Series Release 8 Diecast Scale 1:65 by Johnny Lightning

En el mundo del automóvil hay marcas que diseñan, fabrican y comercializan vehículos (bastante normal, si me lo preguntan)...

Pero hay otras marcas que toman un auto de producción y modifican / mejoran, tanto la apariencia como el desempeño, para crear autos de edición limitada con una etiqueta de precio que añade uno o varios ceros al valor original. 

Ese es el caso de una compañía establecida en 1962 por uno de los más famosos corredores de autos de los Estados Unidos de América: Carroll Shelby. 

Probablemente, la empresa socia más conocida de Shelby ha sido Ford y esta alianza esta bien representada por muchos autos extraordinarios. 

Por ejemplo, este Ford Mustang Shelby (Cobra) GT-500 (KR) de 1968 y noten que usé el nombre Shelby con Cobra... 

Estamos acostumbrados a otra clase de Shelby Cobra pero no estoy equivocado. Dentro de este bebé hay un motor de 428 pulgadas cúbicas (7.0 L) Cobra Jet V8 tasado en 335 hp (oficialmente, pero en la vida real es más que eso) así que esa es la razón por la cual este auto es conocido también como Shelby Cobra GT-500. 

¡Ah!... Y la KR al final del nombre significa King of the Road (para mí suena como un auto de alto rendimiento, ¿no les parece? =PPPPP)...

Esta serie de Johnny Lightning ha sido subestimada por algunos coleccionistas pero después que le dí un vistazo a profundidad, la encuentro muy satisfactoria en términos de molde, tampos y trabajo de pintura. 

También la selección de modelos, que aunque arbitraria tiene sentido para mí, porque muestra algunos de los hitos en la industria automotriz norteamericana. 

Además esta es la obra del ex-diseñador de JL: John T. Warren y su trabajo es fantástico, especialmente en este custom que estoy publicando. 

Con la ayuda del Padre de Misericordia, el Juez Justo, estaré la semana que viene mostrando algo más... =)

P.D. Mi blog tuvo un nuevo "cumpleaños" el pasado Lunes 23... ¡3 años!... Es todo un logro para alguien tan complicado como yo... GRACIAS al DIOS de la Biblia por esto... =D

In the automotive world, there are brands that design, manufacture and market vehicles (pretty normal, if you ask me)... 

But there are other brands which take a production car and modify / improve, both the appearance and performance, to create limited edition vehicles with a price tag that adds one or more zeros to the original value. 

That’s the case of a company established in 1962 by one of the most famous race car drivers in the United States: Carroll Shelby. 

Probably, the best-known company partner of Shelby has been Ford and this alliance is well represented by many extraordinary cars. 

For example, this 1968 Ford Mustang Shelby (Cobra) GT-500 (KR) and do note that I used the name Shelby with Cobra... 

We are used to other kind of Shelby Cobra but I’m not wrong. Inside this baby there is a 428 cu in (7.0 L) Cobra Jet V8 engine rated at 335 hp (officially, but in the real life is more than that) so that’s the reason why this car is also known as Shelby Cobra GT-500... 

Oh!... And the KR in the end of the name means King of the Road (for me it sounded like a high performance vehicle, don’t you think so? =PPPPP)...

This series by Johnny Lightning has been underrated for some collectors but after I took a look in depth, I find it very satisfactory in terms of cast, tampos and paint job. 

Also the selection of models, although arbitrary makes sense for me, because it shows some of the milestones in the American car industry. 

Moreover this is the work of the former JL Designer: John T. Warren and his job is just fantastic, specially in this custom I’m publishing. 

With the help of the Father of Mercy, the Righteous Judge, I will be here the next week showing something else... =)

P.S. My blog had a new "birthday" the past Monday 23th... 3 years!... It’s a whole achievement for someone so fussy, like me... THX to the GOD of the Bible for this... =D


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Congrats and happy birthday to your blog. Many good years to go... More cars and more toys... Don't want to grow up! Johnny Lighting sure have a lot of vintage America produced cars. In my country, we most have Japanese cars. They are more affordable here. This 1968 Shelby (Cobra) have this down-to-earth design, humble colour and the toy has got a lot of details. Cool long bar of brake lights on the rear.

chrismandesign said...

THX pal... indeed it has been 3 good years after all... hope to be here for a while more =D... this is another great casting by JL, not to mention the decor and paint job in flat black and grey... you can "feel" the origin of this Shelby in the respective Mustang, but Shelby always takes some licenses to create a different look and i do prefer this way... the pad printing job is impressive as well... by the way, i have seen a few of this kind of models (i mean, the actual car) in some eastern countries, but yeah they’re very scarce and quite expensive too... =)

Bera said...

wow! happy birthday to your blog! it's an achievement to hold a blog that long... for me :D mine will have it's first birthday in a few more months.

Carroll Shelby... a great race car driver. Father of my most favorite muscle car which keeps me collecting diecast up 'til now. and also the reason why I got so many expenses and my wallet is always empty LOL

back to the car. the design JL made to this one is quite unique and simple. the color combination made this casting unrecognizable to me... or I'm just used to stripes on hood when it comes to Shelby cobras casting. here it looks like a carbon fiber on hood. the details esp. the rear part is definitely great - of course by JL. "KR" is new to me. this is a year after Eleanor (1967).

I am very surprise that you always know the background of each car that you are posting here. not like me LOL.

congrats on that new found piece. more to come! ;)

chrismandesign said...

THX to you too pal and is good to have your support as well... HEHE you’re younger than me in this blogger matters, i will be on the lookout for your blog’s birthday =)...

is not that i know that much about cars, but i do like to investigate, cars are one of my passions... indeed i used to draw a lot of cars in my adolescence an the "love" is still here...

the casting is really accurate, but the paint job and decor makes it look more modern, you couldn’t believe it’s from 1968 !!!

by the way, when i mentioned a Shelby Cobra is on the way, i wasn’t talking about this one precisely... but this is the initial fee LOL... =OOOOO

Christian Alberti said...

Very nice blog


Visit my blog too:

chrismandesign said...

hey !!! where are you from ??? Brazil, Portugal ???... OK, i’m gonna pay you a visit... =)

Christian Alberti said...

I am from Brasil.

Thanks for your visit.

I hope you back soon...


David John Shewsbury said...

I have this one also... pretty nice... I'm proud of it.. .the engine details looks "real"

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHA... yeah, this is the last one you have and i’m pretty sure the rest you will see here will be brand new... there will be wild things awaiting for visitors, specially for my loyal and appreciated collectors colleagues... =OOOOO !!! =D