Sunday, July 15, 2012

Disney Pixar Cars Movie: Sarge by Unknown

Cuando mi madre va a visitar a mi hermano mayor, algunas veces trae de regreso a casa objetos curiosos, que son cuidadosamente revisados por el suscrito (HAHAHA) y algunas veces encuentro cosas interesantes... 

Resulta que pregunto a mi mami si puedo heredar esos dulces recuerdos y algunas veces ella acepta el trato (¡tú, codicioso consumado!... Lo lamento, esa fue mi conciencia... ¡Codiiiiciiooossssoo!... Cállate !!!). 

No estaba planeando coleccionar más cosas de Cars la película, pero ya saben, las circunstancias me obligan y yo solo dejé que pasara... HAHAHA... 

Me encantan los Jeeps en todas sus formas y los vehículos todo terreno (y camiones, tractomulas, Muscle Cars, super deportivos y un enorme etc.), así que esto no podría ser mejor para mí =D... 

Sarge es el personaje militar clásico, obsesionado con las reglas y el orden, lo que no está del todo mal. Él es la versión animada del Jeep Militar de 1941, un compañero para el trabajo pesado en la II Guerra Mundial con muchas opciones de equipo incluyendo armamento. 

El auto de juguete original en diecast es hecha por Mattel en escala 1:55 (aprox.) pero la mía no tiene ninguna marca en absoluto, solo el copyright: "Disney / Pixar Jeep®" y su origen: "China"

Este no es un diecast, todo aquí es plástico (excepto el eje de las ruedas) pero el molde es impresionante, bellamente detallado. 

Combina un trabajo de pintura simple con una especie de calcomanías aplicadas al calor con gran precisión. 

No me atrevería a llamarlo "chiviado" (¡disculpen el lenguaje obsceno!... Pero no pude encontrar otra palabra para expresar lo que significa "chiviado"... HAHAHA... ¿Pueden percibir que odio los "chiviados"?)... 

Otra semana, otra publicación, gracias a la Misericordia del Anciano de días, Jehová... Quizás Él me permita publicar algo más la próxima semana... =)

When my mother goes to visit my older brother, sometimes she brings home curious items, which are carefully revised by the undersigned (LOL) and sometimes I find interesting stuff... 

It happens that I ask my mom if I can inherit those sweet souvenirs and sometimes she accepts the deal (you, consummate greedy!... Sorry, that was my awareness... Greeeeeddddyyyyy!... Shut up!). 

I was not planning to collect more items from Cars the movie, but you know, the circumstances force you and you just let it be... HAHAHA... 

I love Jeeps in all their forms and Off-Road vehicles in general (and trucks, rigs, Muscle Cars, super sport cars and a huge etc.), so this couldn’t be better for me =D... 

Sarge is the classic military character, obsessed with rules and order which is not so bad in the end. He is the animated version of a 1941 Military Jeep, a heavy duty companion in the World War !! with many options of equipment including weaponry. 

The original diecast toy car is made by Mattel in 1:55 scale (approx.) but mine has no brand at all, only the copyright:  "Disney/Pixar Jeep®" and the origin: "China"

This is not a diecast, everything here is plastic (except the wheels’ axle) but the sculpt is impressive, beautifully detailed. 

It combines a simple paint job with a sort of decals applied with heat and placed with great precision. 

I wouldn’t dare to call it "bootleg" (sorry for the foul language!... But I couldn’t find another word which let me express what "bootleg" means... HAHAHA... Can you notice that I hate "bootlegs"?)... 

Another week, another publication, thanks to the Mercy of the Ancient of days, Jehovah... May He let me publish something else next week... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

OK... this Disney Cars series... I never like them at all... not much to comment, sorry pal :-(

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Does look bootleg at all and to me it doesn't matter if the toy look awesome. My son will drooling when he sees this! He is a 'Cars' fan and love vehicles with spare tyre at the rear on the car exposed. This certainly fit the bill! I watched the movie too and Sarge really whip the asses of those brat clean off road vehicles @ the boot camp! Cool expression on the toy and love the rank and print on it. Nice!

ps: Don't try too hard resisting buying toys... Ha! Ha!

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHAHA... yeah, i know you’re kinda obsessed with realism (and you dare to collect Tomica diecast which are not so realistic -except the trucks-???) but for me they’re pretty fine... anyway your disagreement is an opinion as well... =)

chrismandesign said...

oh Dennis !!! i’m glad that your dear son has good taste XDDDD... Cars is fully loaded with nostalgia and reminds me the old way Disney represented cars in some animated movies or TV series... i think Sarge is precisely one of the lesser modified vehicles in the film and he seems to be always angry... doesn’t he ??? LOL

P.S. my wallet is claiming its right to have some money after a long time of shortage, so yep, i need to resist a bit the anxiety for toys... at least for a while... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Bera said...

hmmmm I didn't know you have an interest with Cars. When I started collecting diecast, this was my first option to collect. I bought 2 mcqueens already and... I stopped there haha! It's just way tooooo heavy for my wallet. I realized that I can buy almost 4 regular hot wheels for the price of one Cars diecast.. and not to mention the limited pieces!

For this Sarge, there is a "Cars Mini adventure" series. Though, I'm not sure if they are made of plastic, but I have seen in malls that there are actually plastic Cars being sold and they are original. When you see Disney at the bottom, I'm sure it is original... those bootlegs won't put Disney at all.. based on my experience on buying... The "made in China" is always there even in originals so get used to it haha.

Sarge is also my favorite character from the movie and Mater :)

chrismandesign said...

yep, i’m interested in cars, i mean Cars and cars too LOL... i have all of them (not so much) already published if you wanna take a look =)... and i had the same problem with their price but i made the balance: slightly bigger than 1:64, excellent detail, paint and pad printing job and well the payment of royalties to Disney and i said: that’s fine... by the way, they’re about US$14 per piece here... =O

although there is no brand anywhere, i’m sure it’s not a bootleg for the reasons you already mentioned and the quality of the toy itself... i mean, i have seen the Mattel Sarge and this one and i can say that mine is at least as good as the latter or even better...

"made in China"... i’m quite used to that =)... actually as their labor is getting better, they charge more money for their work and that’s why you can see: "made in Thailand, Malaysia, etc." more often...

THX for take the time to visit this humble colleague of yours... =D