Sunday, July 22, 2012

1965 Chevrolet Chevelle SS Hardtop Coupe 2009 JL’s 40 Anniversary Series Release 8 Diecast Scale 1:66 by Johnny Lightning

Hay, por así decirlo, una competencia amigable entre Ford y General Motors... Creo, desde los primeros años del siglo pasado. 

Los más grandes fabricantes de autos de E.E.U.U.A. deben estar en la búsqueda de la excelencia, para ganar la preferencia de los consumidores en todo el mundo. 

Por casi cada modelo de Ford hay una contraparte de General Motors... 

Por ejemplo, el famoso Ford Fairlane (del cual ya publiqué una versión especial conocida como Thunderbolt) tiene una especie de gemelo en General Motors: el Chevy (Chevrolet) Chevelle. 

Este es un Muscle Car mediano ofrecido en varios sabores incluyendo opciones de 2 y 4 puertas, hardtop, coupé, convertible, sedán y station wagon. 

El nivel de entrada para los entusiastas de los Muscle Cars tiene un desempeño más que decente; en su primera generación, alardeaba de un surtido de motores comenzando con uno de 194 pulgadas cúbicas (3,2 L) 6 en línea y terminando con uno de 396 pulgadas cúbicas (6,5 L) V8 de bloque grande y el tope de la línea tiene el emblema SS (Super Sport) para mostrar quien es el jefe. 

Esta es la última publicación de Johnny Lightning... (¡Nnnooooooooo!)... Si, la última y dejé para el final una de mis más preciadas piezas: el Coupé Techo Duro Chevrolet Chevelle SS de 1965 ¡como una suculenta patrulla que me parece fabulosa!

El esquema de color es super clásico, los tampos son maravillosos (puedes leer claramente "Lightning Patrol" en las puertas), hay detalle en todos lados, aún debajo del chasis (algo que olvidé mencionar en publicaciones anteriores...) y una curiosidad: ¡este modelo tiene insertos plásticos para las luces delanteras lo que es totalmente atípico en Johnny Lightning!... 

Como un extra, mis patrullas de JL hasta ahora =PPPPP... 

Estoy feliz sabiendo que el Señor Jesucristo cuida de mí y de mis seres queridos, también Él me permite disfrutar y compartir mi afición... Nos vemos la próxima... =)

There is a so called friendly competition between Ford and General Motors... I think, since the first years of the last century. 

The greatest car builders in the U.S.A. must be in the search for the excellence, in order to win the preference of the consumers all over the world. 

For almost every model by Ford there is a counterpart by General Motors... 

For example, the famous Ford Fairlane (which i already published a special version known as Thunderbolt) has a sort of twin in General Motors: the Chevy (Chevrolet) Chevelle. 

This is a medium size Muscle Car offered in several flavors including 2 doors and 4 doors options, hardtop, coupe, convertible, sedan and station wagon. 

The entry level for Muscle Cars enthusiasts has a more than decent performance; in its first generation, it boasted an assortment of engines beginning with a 194 cu in (3.2 L) I6 and finishing with a 396 cu in (6.5 L) Big-block V8 and the top of the line has the SS (Super Sport) emblem to show who’s the boss. 

This is the last post of Johnny Lightning... (Nnnooooooooo!)... Yeah, the last one and I left for the end one of my most prized pieces: the 1965 Chevrolet Chevelle SS Hardtop Coupe as a succulent police patrol which I found fabulous!. 

The color scheme is super classic, the tampos are wonderful (you can read clearly "Lightning Patrol" on the doors), there are details everywhere, even below the chassis (something I forgot to mention in previous publications...) and a curiosity: this model has plastic inserts for the headlights which is completely atypical in Johnny Lightning!... 

As a bonus, my JL’s patrols so far =PPPPP... 

I’m happy knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ takes care of me and my relatives, also He lets me enjoy my hobby and share it... See you next time... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

Its from Johnny Lightning, so no surprise that this model looks nice, Hot Wheels can't really matched them actually.

Bera said...

first thing caught my attention here is not the car, but the backdrop and the base. Black car is best with red background I must say :) great setting! The mirror or "water effect" - I call it is very clear. Clean shots :) - okay enough with the background LOL

I have seen many line of collects like this - police cars, fire trucks etc and it they definitely look great together and because it is a casting by JL, no doubt about the details and beauty :D

congrats on this hauls of yours :)

chrismandesign said...

to Shewsbury:

the already great castings by JL has been improved extremely, this is a recent mold and is really incredible the level of detail achieved, i’m glad that you like it... some adult lines by Hot Wheels achieves a similar level of detail but they are kinda overpriced for my taste... =)

chrismandesign said...

to Bera:

is not the first time i receive compliments on my photos (bragging, me ??? LOL) but THX again pal, i really appreciate it !!! =D... i take my hobby seriously and as a sign of respect i try to make the best shots i can... you know, you couldn’t say "this is a great item" and show it poorly... =O

now the car itself, man, is delightful !!! these pictures make it justice... i cannot conceive my life without JL... HAHAHAHAHAHA... joking... but JL is ultra hot and this blog is burning, wooohooooo !!! XD

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This Police car is really awesome and reminded me of my patrol days. In the past, I have only driven Police car by Toyota, Subaru, Opel, Mitsubishi and Nissan Police in Singapore. Looking look on the exterior, the siren and blinkers.

Yours also reminded me of the movie 'Police Academy'. I'm pretty sure and bet that there will be more Johnny Lightning to your collection. Your lord will answer to your prayers.

chrismandesign said...

i knew this vehicle would move a fiber because i know you were a police officer... what i didn’t know is that you drove that assortment of great patrols !!!

my LORD, yeah He hears my prayers for sure !!! =D... THX for your visit pal =)