Sunday, August 26, 2012

2008 Kung Fu Panda Collectible Figures Wave 1 Complete Set Part 1 by Hasbro

Algunas veces sientes que no encajas en ninguna situación... 

Te sientes torpe y embotado y no importa cuanto te esfuerces, todo va mal y/o terminas arruinándolo todo. 

Si eso no fuera suficiente, todos a tu alrededor se burlan, te hacen sentir ridículo e inútil y de alguna forma tú sientes que tienen la razón. 

Nadie confía en tí y la gente que admiras, piensa que eres una carga. 

Pero entonces, alguien que no esperabas cree que tú eres la persona correcta y terminas tan anonadado, que ni siquiera tú mismo puedes creerlo. 

Sin embargo, después de un largo y duro proceso te das cuenta que era verdad... 

¿Se siente real para tí?... Porque algunas veces me siente justo así... 

¡Bueno, ese era el núcleo de la historia en la cinta de Dreamworks Kung Fu Panda!... 

Si, tú puedes mirar esta película como lo haría cualquiera y tener un poco de diversión fácil, disfrutando con lo superficial... 

En cuanto a mí, no puedo evitar verme reflejado en ciertas cintas y reirme de mis propias tragedias. 

Coleccionar no es sólo cuestión de tener pedazos de plástico, metal y cartón... Es acerca de experiencias, ya lo había dicho. 

Este es un regalo de un apreciado amigo mío, él decidió que estaría mejor en mis manos que en las manos de alguien más... Quizás tenga razón =D... 

Es un coleccionable fabuloso de una película fabulosa. 

El set completo tiene 14 figuras, bellamente detalladas y pintadas y cada pieza tiene su propia base en plástico transparente con el nombre de la cinta en relieve. Este grupo incluye: Po y Dogway, Comandante Rino y Maestro Grulla y Maestra Tigresa vs. Tai Lung. 

Y el DIOS de la Biblia aún cuida de mí, como siempre, ojalá Él sea tú abrigo también... Hasta nuestra próxima cita... =)

Sometimes you feel like you don’t fit in any situation... 

You feel awkward, dull and it doesn’t matter how hard you try, everything goes wrong and/or you end ruining everything. 

If that weren’t enough, everybody around you scoff, make you feel ridicule and useless and somehow you feel they are right. 

Nobody trusts in you and the people you admire, thinks that you are a burden. 

But then, someone you don’t expect, believes that you’re the right one and you end so shocked, that even yourself cannot believe it. 

However, after a long and hard process, you realize it was truth... 

Does it feel real for you? Because sometimes I just feel like that... 

Well, that was the core of the story in the DreamWorks movie Kung Fu Panda!... 

Yeah, you can watch this film like everyone else and have some easy fun, enjoying the surface of the things... 

As for me, I cannot avoid to see my reflection in certain movies and laugh at my own tragedies. 

Collecting is not just about pieces of plastic, metal and cardboard... Is about experiences, I already had said that. 

This is a gift from an appreciated friend of mine, he decided that it would be better in my hands that in someone else’s hands... Maybe he’s right =D... 

It’s an awesome collectible from an awesome film. 

The whole set has 14 figures, beautifully detailed and painted and each piece has its own display base in clear plastic with the name of the movie embossed. This group includes: Po and Dogway, Rhino Commander and Master Crane and Master Tigress vs Tai Lung. 

And the GOD of the Bible still takes care of me, as always, hopefully He will be your shelter too... Until our next appointment... =)


Bera said...

Oh my.... where did your friend get this??? I want!@_@ I am a big fan of this animation. I just love these figures... and would love them more if they are articulated.. I'm envious man haha!

Well congratulations. You take good care of them LOL! I wish they'll be also available here in my country..

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This set is great collectibles I must say! I have not seen these around as mine are only Mc Donald toys from Happy meal. So to say they belong to my kiddos. We loved the movie and the jokes are genuinely funny. Kind of tells that everyone has the potential and feeling good about one's self is important.

chrismandesign said...

to Bera:

HEHE... i didn’t know that you liked this movie !!!... i’m not pretty sure where did he get it since this particular set is out of stock in many online stores, it was not available in my country and the only figures available out there are pricey...

actually they have a few points of articulation (arms and/or hands and the head in some cases) but the emphasis of this collectible is the sculpt and paint job which is top notch !!!

THX for your visit pal and i’m glad to you left aside the laziness... XD =)

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

i forgot to mention in the title of this publication that this set is a work of Hasbro (it was already fixed)... i thought this collectible was very common but i was wrong LOL... i agree, these figures are fantastic and i began to love them even more than before (they’re very photogenic !!!)

you can watch a movie like this as a kid and you will enjoy it, even as an adult is enjoyable (indeed i laughed a lot) but the message is presented in a convincing way, for me is a very complete film... =)

it was funny to read from you that "So to say they belong to my kiddos." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

David John Shewsbury said...

kung fu panda is a smart panda bear but that doest change the fact that panda bear have sex openly in the wild and once a while they had sex with their mothers/daughters/siblings LOL... nonetheless, i personally dont fancy fix pose figures even those from Japanese productions but as it is, i think these figures have decent finishing and the relevant fans should be able to appreciate this more than a pork eater like me hahahahaha....

chrismandesign said...

i’m still surprised of your skills into involve the sex in almost every conversation HAHAHAHAHAHA... but yeah, you’re right... since my taste is very varied, i like statues as much as action figures and indeed, bearing in mind that these are tiny figures (less than 3" high) they are more than decent in detail, sculpt and paint job, most of the gashapons available cannot match this level, not to mention bigger figures, so i’m more than pleased with them... by the way, i eat pork as well =PPPPP XDDDDD