Sunday, September 16, 2012

2009 Fast Felion - Hot Wheels Concept Car 2011 Track Stars 11 Series 9/15 Diecast No Scale by Hot Wheels

Dependiendo de su transfondo, los coleccionistas toman desiciones sobre qué quieren coleccionar y hay tantos transfondos como personas en el mundo. 

Para los gustos fueron hechos los colores, reza un dicho popular y algunas veces hay coincidencias, pero creo que ese no es siempre el caso. 

Soy un diseñador, un diseñador gráfico para ser más preciso y sucede que, como un asunto de coherencia, me gustan los objetos diseñados. 

Son funcionales, pero también transmiten una intención. Son la "traducción" de una idea en un objeto y un buen diseño no carece de belleza en sí mismo. 

Ahora, pueden gustar o no gustar y eso es bastante subjetivo, pero su función, intención y belleza se mantienen intactas. De hecho, si fueron objetos bien diseñados, entonces habrá un tiempo en el que serán correctamente apreciados, como las buenas cosas en la vida. 

Puede que haya sonado bastante filosófico hasta ahora, pero hey, ¡soy yo!... Puedo ser tan trivial o profundo como desee =PPPPP... 

Ahora, ¿qué es todo esto?...

Bueno, tomé una decisión, conseguí este diecast para mí. Probablemente no sea la "modeda de oro" para muchos colegas coleccionistas y eso es muy respetable, pero me gustó... 

¿Por qué?... ¿Es realista o basado en un vehículo existente?... NO... Simplemente es un objeto diseñado (en este caso, por Fraser Campbell) =OOOOO. 

Este Fast Felion, que pertenece a la Serie Track Stars, es un modelo específicamente diseñado para ofrecer un excelente desempeño en la mayoría de las pistas y sets de juego hechos por Hot Wheels. 

Tiene un centro de gravedad más bajo que le permite "pegarse" a la pista mientras corre suave y velozmente... ¡Eso sería irrelevante si no estuviera acompañado de un trabajo de pintura lujoso, una linda decoración / tampografía y un grandioso diseño de carrocería!... 

Gracias al DIOS de la Biblia, cuya Misecordia es indiscutible, tengo más cosas que compartir aquí y no sabrán qué, si no me visitan la próxima semana... =)

Depending on their background, the collectors make decisions about what they want to collect and there are as much backgrounds as people in this world. 

For tastes were made colors, a saying says and sometimes there are coincidences, but I think that’s not always the case. 

I’m a designer, a graphic designer to be more precise and it happens that, as a matter of coherence, I like designed objects. 

They are functional, but they communicate an intention as well. They’re the "translation" of an idea into an object and a good design doesn’t lack of beauty in itself. 

Now, they can be liked or disliked and that’s highly subjective, but their function, intention and beauty remain intact. Indeed, if they were well designed objects, then there will be a time when they will be properly appreciated, as the good things in life. 

Perhaps I sounded quite philosophical so far, but hey, that’s me!.. I can be as trivial or as profound as I please =PPPPP... 

Now, what’s this all about? 

Well, I made a decision, I got this diecast for me. Probably it will not be the cup of coffee for many fellow collectors and that’s quite respectable, but I liked... 

Why?... It’s realistic or based on an existing vehicle?... NO... Simply it’s a designed object (in this case, by Fraser Campbell) =OOOOO. 

This Fast Felion, which belongs to the Track Stars Series, is a model specifically designed for a high performance in most of the tracks and playsets made by Hot Wheels. 

It has a lower center of gravity which allows it to "stick" to the track while running smooth and swiftly... That could be irrelevant if it weren’t accompanied by a luxurious paint job, a nice decor / pad printing and a great body design!... 

Thanks to the GOD of the Bible, whose Mercy is indisputable I have more things to share here and you will not know what, if you don’t pay me a visit next week... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Sleek design with good center of gravity. The wheels and print on the sides are cool however the headlights seems unpainted. I like the tainted windows too!

chrismandesign said...

this design reminds me pretty much a stingray, so plane and aerodynamic... overall is futuristic, but the extremely long front and short back is quite retro too... yep, the yellow windows are a perfect match for the golden wheels (which are not so usual in HW)... now that you mentioned the unpainted headlights, the front reminds me as well a feline... well, that’s what i mean when a say "designed object"... =)

David John Shewsbury said...

I dont know much about this car, I guess this is another one of those "concept car" - but the design reminded me of Mercedes SLR and SLS.

chrismandesign said...

yep, the proportion between the front and the rear of this model is pretty much that of the SLR, or the old Corvette, Bugatti or even the Rolls Royce sport coupes... it mixes the reminiscences of the past and some elements of the future, it must be a concept car for sure... =)

Bera said...

you're into futuristic look cars lately huh.. but I like this one. it has the futuristic look and a super car look.. somewhat, reminds me of Mercedes SLS AMG.. great design by Hot Wheels... and nice pick for you hahaha!

chrismandesign said...

you know pal, i like to travel in time and normally i find curious things... for example, many futuristic designs are indeed recreations of ideas from the past... the beginning of the last century was very prolific, the industrial revolution changed almost everything... uhmmmm, Mercedez Benz SLR/SLS "gullwing" seems to be a great favorite among my fellow collectors !!! maybe i should consider to get one of them, but it must be something special... i will see what i get... =)