Sunday, October 14, 2012

2001 Nissan Silvia S15 Compact Sport Coupe 2003 Import Tuner Series Release C T03-17 Diecast Scale 1:60 by Muscle Machines/Funline Merchandise Co., Inc.

Creo que hay diferentes ideas acerca de los vehículos de alto desempeño alrededor del mundo, aún teniendo presente que el postulado de "ir más rápido" es el núcleo de este concepto. 

Por ejemplo, Europa que produce los autos más costosos, hermosos y rápidos del mundo, hace énfasis en la eficiencia como el punto clave para lograr este objetivo. 

Por otra parte, Norteamérica con una gran cantidad de Muscle Cars, Dragsters, Funny Cars y vehículos Top Fuel, cree que la potencia bruta es la receta para hacer el viaje del punto A al punto B de forma más expédita. 

En los países asiáticos, en mi opinión, el enfoque es algo entre la eficiencia europea y la potencia bruta americana. 

Japón es el origen de casi todas las marcas de alto desempeño de Asia y hasta donde sé, sus máquinas no son tan grandes o potentes, pero algunos dispositivos electrónicos y el infaltable supercargador, hacen el trabajo muy respetablemente

Esta vez hablaré sobre el Coupé Deportivo Compacto Nissan Silvia S15 del 2001, un vehículo bien conocido, perteneciente a la plataforma S (tamaño compacto) y fabricado entre 1964 y 2002 (con un hiato entre 1968 y 1974). 

En la sección de motores un 2.0 L DOHC de 165 hp y un DOHC Turbo de 250 hp estaban disponibles, un poco magro si me lo preguntan, pero suficiente para tener algo de diversión. 

De todas maneras, hay disponibles una gran cantidad de "kits de mejora" para estos personajes, así que se pueden personalizar y ¡ganar algo más de respeto! 

No es la primera vez que publico un ejemplo de los Asian Muscle, pero es la primera vez que debuta mi propio Muscle Machines y me encanta. 

Viene con una tarjeta grande, gruesa y vistosamente diseñada, algo que empiezas a apreciar cuando la mayoría de empresas fabricantes de diecast están recortando gastos de producción =@@@@@. 

Pueden ver el nivel de detalle, que es muy bueno, también el trabajo de pintura que incluye los asientos, parte del motor cromado, el parabrisas y debajo del chasis plástico (algo que los personalizadores aprecian) y los tampos con un montón de logos. 

Si eso no fuera suficiente, una linda tarjeta con una portada de revista de autos retratando al S15 en su "vestido de calle", complementan el coleccionable. 

Busquen al SEÑOR mientras pueda ser hallado, llámenlo entre tanto que esté cercano... Hasta la próxima muchachos... =)

I think there are different ideas about the high performance vehicles around the world, even bearing in mind that the statement of "going faster" is the core of this concept. 

For example, Europe which produces the most expensive, beautiful and fast cars worldwide, emphasizes the efficiency as the key point to achieve this goal. 

On the other hand, North America with a lot of Muscle Cars, Dragsters, Funny Cars and Top Fuel vehicles, believes that the raw power is the recipe to make the travel between point A and point B more expeditious. 

In the Asian countries, in my opinion, the approach is something between the European efficiency and the American raw power. 

Japan is the source of almost all the high performance brands from Asia and as far as I know, their engines are not so big or powerful, but some electronic gadgets and the inevitable supercharger, make the work very respectably. 

This time I will talk about the 2001 Nissan Silvia S15 Compact Sport Coupe, a well-known vehicle, belonging to the S platform (compact size) and manufactured between 1964 and 2002 (with a hiatus between 1968 and 1974). 

In the engines section a 2.0 L DOHC 165 hp and a DOHC Turbo 250 hp were available, a tad lean if you ask me, but enough to have some fun. 

Anyway, there are available many "upgrade kits" for these guys, so you can tune them and gain more respect! 

Is not the first time I publish a sample of the Asian Muscle, but is the first time my own Muscle Machines debuts and I’m glad. 

It comes in a big, thick and nicely designed card, something you begin to appreciate when most of the diecast manufacturing companies are cutting down production costs =@@@@@. 

You can see the level of detail, which is very good, also the paint job which includes the seats, part of the chrome engine, the windshield and below the plastic chassis (something the customizers appreciate) and the tampos with a lot of logos. 

If that weren’t enough, a beautiful card with a car magazine cover portraying the S15 street version, complement the collectible. 

Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near... Until next time guys... =)


Bera said...

for real? you're also into import racers? hahaha that's something new. It's just recently that I recognized the beauty of Muscle Machines castings. I can line them with Jada. They aren't the exact 1:64 scale but the details are very nice indeed. I own a Shelby my Muscle Machine and they're my favorites :D too bad they're very hard to find here in my country. I just got mine from a kind collector :D

The import racers are just not my cup of tea. But I like them in 1:1 version LOL! esp the Honda Civic.

but the way you took the pictures made me want it too haha! congrats with your new toy pal :)

chrismandesign said...

believe me pal, i find quite encouraging the comments from my friends collectors... =D

yeah, i’m in the import tuners move too, you know i’m an open minded collector, so i like to have a view of the whole picture of the cars’ world... in the case of this series, i consider them above the level of Jada but the american Muscle Cars by Muscle Machines are even more delicious and hard to find as well =/

about the scale... i have had talks with some friends collectors here and they agree that this slightly bigger 1:64 scale managed by Muscle Machines, M2Machines, Greenlight and others would be more faithful than the 1:64 scale we’re used (like that of Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning, Matchbox, Kyosho, Minichamps, etc), however for me is pretty much a 1:57/1:58 scale which let them more "space" to add detail... =O

uhmmmm... if you like the Honda Civic maybe i will pull out something from my magic pocket soon... =P =D

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This has a lot more details than mass produced die-cast cars. Maybe it's more costly than 'Hotwheels' From the look, it has the illegal racing style from those modified wide exhaust and high spoiler. A nice card with stand of like a magazine cover.

chrismandesign said...

yes pal, because of the slightly bigger scale Muscle Machines uses, the level of detail is greater and hence more expensive... another fact is that they have lower rates of production, so they are harder to find too...

i agree that this kind of tuning must not be legal for street but for racing (more or less like those you can see in the Fast and the Furious)... oh, the card is also very nice indeed and those extras are very welcome for me... THX for your support pal =)