Sunday, January 13, 2013

1969 Pontiac GTO Judge Hardtop Coupe 2010 Toon’d Muscle 5-Pack by Hot Wheels

Un dicho popular reza: "vive rápido, muere joven..." y ese parece ser el lema de los Muscle Cars americanos. 

¡Esos fueron tiempos gloriosos!... 

El final de los 60s y principio de los 70s marcó el fulgurante reinado de este segmento de vehículos, aunque algunos expertos plantean el origen en el Oldsmobile Rocket 88 de 1949 y otros en el Pontiac GTO de 1964... 

Alto desempeño a un precio asequible fue la combinación usada para atraer a los compradores jóvenes quienes no querían conducir el auto de sus padres y esta fórmula funcionó bastante bien hasta la crisis petrolera... La perdición de los Muscle Cars. 

Sin embargo, el profundo impacto de este tipo de vehículos en el sistema de vida americano, hizo imposible su extinción, así que estos, a diferencia de los dinosaurios, sobrevivieron la "Era de Hielo"... 

Pero ese increíble desempeño ya no fue asequible y se convirtieron en autos de culto / estatus / lujo... 

¡Si solo tuviera US$250.000, compraría uno encantado y el resto (no mucho) sería para el mantenimiento HA! 

Ahora enfoquémonos en uno de esos monstruos: el Coupé Techo Duro Pontiac GTO Judge de 1969

Esos fueron todavía tiempos de locura y Pontiac sabía la receta perfecta para un Muscle Car glamuroso... 

Si estoy hablando de DESEMPEÑO, entonces debería mencionar que con esta bestia, tenías la opción de un motor Ram Air IV con muchos, muchos accesorios para administrar la mayor potencia de salida y ¡370 "miserables" hp!... 

Pero si eso no fuera suficiente, una opción para carreras profesionales estaba disponible para los más atrevidos: un motor Ram Air V bloque 400 que podía hacer 0-60 mph en 5,7 segundos y el tiempo para cuarto de milla podría ser 13,89 segundos a 101,76 mph... ¿Alguien escucho rugir al león? 

Bien, tengo de nuevo el placer de publicar un regalo de un apreciado amigo mío (y colega coleccionista), algo retador pues no estoy acostumbrado a las versiones Caricaturizadas que son como las figuras Super Deformed, pero en la forma de un vehículo, diseñado por Mark Jones. 

Sin embargo, pude encontrar la compañera perfecta en mi colección, ya publicada (échale un vistazo a este vínculo), así que este tipo no estará solo =DDDDD... 

¡Este modelo es muy divertido!... 

Carrocería en diecast, chasis plástico, lindo trabajo de pintura en blanco perlado con una decoración simple pero bonita que se mezcla perfecto con el enorme motor expuesto al frente... ¡Al final, un visitante bienvenido!... 

Sal 84:11-12 "Porque sol y escudo es JeHOVÁ DIOS; gracia y gloria dará JEHOVÁ. No quitará el bien a los que andan en integridad. JEHOVÁ de los ejércitos, dichoso el hombre que en Tí confía." 

Hasta la próxima semana... =)

A popular saying says: "live fast, die young..." and it seems to be the motto of the American Muscle Cars. 

Those were glorious times!... 

The end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s marked the brilliant reign of this segment of vehicles, although some experts pose the origin in the 1949 Oldsmobile Rocket 88 and others in the 1964 Pontiac GTO... 

High performance at an affordable price was the combination used to catch the young buyers who didn’t want to drive the car of their parents and this formula worked pretty fine until the oil crisis... The doom of the Muscle Cars. 

However, the deep impact of this kind of vehicles in the American way of life, made impossible their extinction, so these, unlike the dinosaurs, survived the "Ice Age"... 

But this incredible performance was no longer affordable and they became cult / status / luxury cars... 

If only I had US$250,000, I would buy gladly one of them and the rest (not so much) would be for its maintenance LOL! 

Now let’s focus on one of these monsters: the 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge Hardtop Coupe

Those were still the times of madness and Pontiac did know the perfect recipe for a glamorous Muscle Car... 

If I’m talking about PERFORMANCE, then I should mention that with this beast, you had the option of a gorgeous Ram Air IV engine with many, many accessories to handle the higher power output and 370 "miserable" hp!... 

But if that weren’t enough, an option for professional racing was available for the most daring: a Ram Air V 400 block engine that could go 0-60 mph in 5.7 seconds and the quarter mile time could be 13.89 seconds at 101.76 mph... Someone heard the lion roar?...

Well, I have the pleasure again of publishing a gift from an appreciated friend of mine (and fellow collector), something challenging since I’m not used to the Tooned versions which are like the Super Deformed figures, but in the form of a vehicle, designed by Mark Jones. 

However, I found a perfect match in my collection, already published (take a look at this link), so this guy will not be alone =DDDDD... 

This model is very funny!... 

Diecast body, plastic chassis, nice paint job in pearled white and simple but nice decor which blends very well with the huge engine exposed in the front... At the end, a welcome visitor!... 

Psa 84:11-12 "For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. Oh LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee." 

Until next week... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

I wonder what is that tall big thingy on top of the engine? is it something to make the car run faster?

chrismandesign said...

good question pal !!! yeah, that’s indeed a hood scoop, used commonly in high performance vehicles (specially but not exclusively, in the american Muscle Cars, Dragsters, Funny Cars, Top Fuel, etc)... it’s an extra air intake which force the air input to the engine, enriching the fuel-air-electricity mixture and hence, producing a noticeable increase in power... =OOOOO

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

If I have US$250,000, I will buy a private property here in Singapore first instead! Like you says, the maintenance kills. Ha! Ha! Man! How to see the view in-front with the huge engine obstructing. l like the white and red design as it reminds me Speed Racer. The gold background for phototaking is refreshing bro! I just feel the front and rear where the headlights were lack details, otherwise, it would be more accurate.

chrismandesign said...

HEHEHE... definitely you’re a family man and you can be very proud of that !!! by the way, with US$250,000 i guess you can afford a pretty decent home... if i were a family man too, i would do the same for sure =D... about the engine, well, this is a tooned version, but i have seen some real Dragsters, Funny Cars and Top Fuels with similar huge engines and i really don’t know how these monsters can be driven LOL... yeah, the background looks like a golden one, but in fact it a "side-effect" of the natural light i use for my photo shoots, it’s simply awesome !!! =)

Bera said...

at first I thought it's by muscle machine! haha (I suddenly remembered I haven't post mine).. looks like HW did a good job here but I wish they also changed the wheels :( this deserves a better one, rubber tires maybe? and also the base.. I hate that they made it plastic.. they could atleast make it plastic chrome if the cant make it metal :(dont you agree? hahaha. But anyway it's from 5pack so it's expected to be just a regular hotwheels and I can say it's a really good piece..

p.s. you can always do some customization :D

chrismandesign said...

oh !!! you have a Muscle Machines diecast ??? how you dare ??? LOLOLOLOL... well, i love this model just the way it is because is a gift =DDDDD... as you can see, the only diecast with a similar concept is my Chevy Nomad Ground Pounders by M2Machines (which is a gift too !!!) but i’m not the super deformed/tooned guy... i agree that a metal body/chassis and rubber tires would be better, even just a plastic chromed chassis, but this is it...

P.S. are you trying to poison me with customization ??? =PPPPP perhaps i will do, someday... =)