Sunday, January 20, 2013

1971 AMC Javelin AMX - Compact 2-Door Hardtop Fastback Coupe / Muscle Car / Sports Car 2009 Muscle Car Garage (Stock & Custom) Series 10 Limited Edition Diecast Scale 1:66 by GreenLight

¿Así que están buscando al culpable?... 

¿Aquel que comenzó este delicioso desastre?... 

Entonces culpen al caballo... Pero no el "cavallino rampante", ¡por favor!... 

Estoy hablando de los caballos salvajes que vagan libres por Norteamérica... 

Caballos de metal que consumen gasolina y otros derivados del petróleo en vez de heno... También conocidos como Mustangs. 

Sí, el Ford Mustang empezo una categoría llamada Pony Cars, pero no voy a hablar del Mustang, no esta vez... 

American Motors Corporation era otro jugador en la industria automotriz norteamericana con una mala reputación y no me refiero a malandros... 

Más bien, ellos fabricaron algunos de los autos más peculiares jamás vistos: el Pacer y el Gremlin... ¡Me dio un poco de alergia el solo pronunciar esos nombres XDDDDD!...

AMC tenía una deuda con la historia automotriz norteamericana por semejante afrenta y dado que eran tiempos difíciles, Richard A. Teague y su equipo de diseño en AMC, hicieron una apuesta arriesgada y crearon el primer AMC Javelin en 1968. 

Para los 70s, AMC se levantó de la postración y se hicieron un nombre asociado con desempeño y diseño distintivo, algo inimaginable un par de años antes del lanzamiento del Javelin. 

La segunda generación de este vehículo empezó con el Coupé Techo Duro AMC Javelin AMX de 1971, un Muscle Car de tamaño mediano, más largo, bajo, ancho y pesado que su predecesor y con un diseño, en conjunto, más agresivo. 

Pero si el exterior gritaba "devorador en camino", dentro del capó hay una buena razón para estar más feliz que aquel que esta junto a tí conduciendo un Mazda Miata... ¡HAHAHA!... (Perdón por la ironía)... 

Imagino que un AMC Javelin AMX con el "Go Package" (como el que estoy publicando) incluyendo un motor de 401 pulgadas cúbicas, 6.6 L, V8 que produce 335 hp, ¡me arreglaría el día! 

Otro regalo para mi cumpleaños en 2011 y apenas ahora es publicado... ¡Eso es lo que yo llamo atraso HA!... 

GreenLight ha hecho un grandioso trabajo en esta réplica a escala, llena de lindos detalles gracias a su tamaño ligeramente más grande. 

El trabajo de pintura en púrpura con decoración en blanco es una combinación equilibrada entre lujo y deportividad. Los tampos son muy precisos (tú puedes leer aún la placa trasera) y las ruedas en caucho vienen finamente impresas también. 

Carrocería / chasis en diecast, rimes realistas, apertura de capó con motor e interiores detallados... 

No estamos mirando un artículo barato pero de nuevo, consigues lo que pagaste, así que este es un regalo valioso, por supuesto. 

1 Cor 1:21 "Pues ya que en la Sabiduría de DIOS, el mundo no conoció a DIOS mediante la sabiduría, agradó a DIOS salvar a los creyentes por la locura de la predicación del Evangelio." 

Nos vemos la próxima vez... =)

So you’re looking for the culprit?... 

The one who began this delicious disaster?... 

Then blame the horse... But not the "cavallino rampante", come on!... 

I’m talking about the wild horses which roam free in North America... 

Metal horses that eat gasoline and other oil derivatives instead of hay... Also known as Mustangs. 

Yeah, the Ford Mustang started a category known as Pony Cars, but I’m not gonna talk about the Mustang, not this time... 

American Motors Corporation was another player in the American car industry with a bad reputation and I don’t mean badass... 

I mean, they manufactured some of the most quirky cars ever seen: the Pacer and the Gremlin... 

Man, I got a bit of rash just pronouncing those names XDDDDD!...

AMC had a debt with the American car history for such affront and given that those were tough times, Richard A. Teague and his designers team in AMC, made a risky bet and created the first AMC Javelin in 1968. 

For the 70s, AMC raised from the prostration and made a name associated with performance and distinctive design, something unimaginable a couple of years before the Javelin’s release. 

The second generation of this vehicle began with the 1971 AMC Javelin AMX hardtop Coupe, a medium size Muscle Car, longer, lower, wider and heavier than its predecessor and the overall design is more aggressive. 

But if the exterior shout "devourer on the way", inside the hood there is a good reason to be happier than the guy next to you, driving a Mazda Miata... HAHAHA... (Sorry for the irony)... 

I guess that an AMC Javelin AMX with the "Go Package" (like the one I’m publishing) including a 401 cu in, 6.6 L, V8 engine producing 335 hp would make my day! 

Another gift for my birthday in 2011 and barely today is published... That’s what I call a backlog LOL!... 

GreenLight has made a great job in this scale replica, plenty of nice details thanks to its slightly bigger size. 

The purple paint job with white decor is a balanced combination between luxury and sportiness. 

The tampos are very accurate (you can even read the rear plate) and the rubber tires are nicely printed as well. 

Diecast body / chassis, realistic wheels, opening hood with detailed engine and interiors... 

We’re not looking at a cheap item but again, you get what you paid and this is a valuable gift, for sure. 

1 Cor 1:21 "For after that in the Wisdom of GOD the world by wisdom knew not GOD, it pleased GOD by the foolishness of preaching the Gospel to save them that believe." 

See you next time... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

I don't know much about AMC but the die cast car model of this Javelin is extremely wonderful - with openable engine hood - I love that so much!!!! this is truly nice for collection....

chrismandesign said...

THX Shewsbury !!! AMC put a huge effort to save itself from the shame, and seriously the Javelin is one of those models you cannot forget so easily... Greenlight has made a good reputation and i think this diecast is a great sample... =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Your colleagues and love ones sure knows what to get for your birthday. I have not come across die-cast car by 'Greenlight'. But it's a good first impression seeing this muscle car. I can see a lot of curves and define edges on the die-cast. Well painted even the registration plate and Goodyear tyres. Nice engine interior shown and great throw-in like the card and display.

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHA... let’s say that my mom (who gave me this lovely gift) received a little advice... from me...LOLOLOLOLOLOL...

Greenlight seems to be a very uncommon brand in the east side of the world and the reason, i guess, is that its specialty are the american cars (and some from Europe)... also the price factor must be a "bit" restrictive since these diecasts are not cheap at all... but i’m sure that the level of quality and extra features included fully justifies its cost... =D

Bera said...

that's really an awesome piece man... you surely know what muscle car to choose haha. It's greenlight and there's no doubt about the detailed casting and great photography again :)

chrismandesign said...

HEHE... it seems i’ve been developing my tastes and photo-skills... now seriously, there is still a lot to explore in the Muscle Car world so, i will be on my way and i hope my fellow collectors will be by my side...

yeah, Greenlight knows how to make fabulous diecasts and some of them fortunately are available in my country ♥♥♥♥♥... oh, and about the pictures, well, the natural light is my secret... so unpredictable and so perfect !!! =DDDDD