Sunday, February 13, 2011

1966 Batmobile (TV Series) 2007 First Editions Series 15/36 by Hot Wheels

Yo anuncié en la primera publicación de este año, que 2011 iría "sobre ruedas" y hablaba muy en serio. Ahora estoy liberándo mi niño interior, aquel que disfrutaba sin cesar jugar con carritos. 

Llámenme infantil, si quieren, realmente no me importa. Yo jugué con carros hasta los 12 años o más y muchas veces me dijeron: "usted ya está muy grande para eso..."

Si ser grande significa ser aburrido y carecer de imaginación, entonces nunca dejaré de ser niño (y por si acaso, no tengo complejo de "Peter Pan" =PPPPP). Ahora combino mi placer motorizado con personajes que conocí ya mayor.

El automóvil que presento a mi ahora numeroso público, es propiedad de un colega y un artículo de colección sencillo pero codiciado; desarrollado en Hot Wheels, por Larry Wood. 

Estas series basadas en Batimóviles, normalmente se agotan pronto y aunque para mi concepto adolece de detalle (cosa que otros diecast de la misma escala logran con mucho mérito) conserva un innegable atractivo. Batman tiene estilo, mucho estilo... HOHOHO


I announced in the first publication of this year, that 2011 would be "on wheels" and I was talking seriously. Now I’m releasing my inner child who enjoyed playing with little cars constantly. 

Call me childish, if you want, I really don’t care. I played with cars up to 12 years or more and many times people told me: "you’re already too old for that..."

If being old means being boring and lacking of imagination, then I will never stop being a child (and just in case, I don’t have the "Peter Pan" complex =PPPPP). Now I combine my motorized pleasure with characters I met already older.

The car that I introduce to my now larger audience, is owned by a colleague and is a collectible simple but coveted; developed in Hot Wheels, by Larry Wood. 

This series based on Batmobiles usually sell out quickly and although in my opinion it lacks in detail (which other diecast of the same scale achieved with great merit) retain an undeniable appeal. Batman has style, a lot of style... HOHOHO


cortesmachineart said...

...turururuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...batibatman... calzoncillos aplastantes batman ahora que haremos se le rebento la chumacera y se tapo el baticuchifli...

chrismandesign said...

déjate de estupideces Robin, mi caro amigo !!! ... mi batimecánico me dijo que ese ruidito raro era cuestión de un desajuste de la cotopla y el remame... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Gunstray said...

For a brick, it looks tougher than most of the batmobiles.

chrismandesign said...

yep Gun, besides the Thumbler Batmobile (that looks tough, fierce & great) this model seems to me pretty solid, funky & funny... this is definitely an icon from the 60’s =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

What a declaration of free wheelie! Nothing to be ashamed off to show the child in you, beside this vintage looking Batmobile got class! Just right for Batman & Robin.

chrismandesign said...

absolutely free !!! i think i was a freethinker since my childhood & if u talk of character, then i’m the right guy HAHAHAHAHAHA... the 60’s TV series hav a lot of fans around the world & the batmobile created for the show is an unforgetable item (the Elite series 1:18 diecast by Hot Wheels is an awesome but expensive collectible)

chunky B said...

2011 is going to be all wheels huh? Sounds like it's going to be a fun ride.

I have this little Batmobile as well and though it lacks detail it has that old school Hotwheels charm, you know when you were a kid and it didn't matter how detailed it was, just that it resembled the Batmobile. Also, as always, great photography.

chrismandesign said...

TYSM for ur comment CB, really appreciated =)... yep i plan to make of this year a great ride... this model has that old-fashioned style of the 60’s & 70’s diecast indeed... but the old HW models never arrived here to my country, only diecast of Majorette & more rarely from Matchbox, actually something weird since U.S.A. is closer to us LOL...