Monday, November 7, 2011

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C Star Trek Federation Ships & Alien Ships Collection Miniature Display Model by Furuta

Cuando pensamos en viajar en el tiempo, cosa que según las leyes de la física es prácticamente imposible, nos gusta dejar volar la imaginación... 

Interesantes teorías (otra vez esa palabra...) se han planteado por parte de escritores de ciencia ficción ya sea para los mundos literario, cinematográfico o televisivo. 

En la serie "Viaje a las Estrellas: La Nueva Generación" (1990) que corresponde a la tercera saga de la franquicia, una paradoja de trágicas consecuencias ocurre, por un viaje en el tiempo que la nave espacial publicada hoy hizo al futuro. 

La NCC-1701-C, en su línea de tiempo (es decir, el "pasado": año 2344...) debía ser destruída junto con toda su tripulación; sin embargo, al haber entrado en una anomalía espacio-temporal y haber viajado al futuro, la nave y su tripulación sobrevivieron y el "curso de los acontecimientos" cambió drásticamente, pues una civilización alienígena que debía ser aliada (los Klingons) se había convertido en un acérrimo enemigo de la Federación de Planetas. 

En otras palabras, sucedió algo que no debía suceder...

Dejando de lado la ciencia ficción y volviendo a la realidad, me temo que la estructura espacio-temporal en la que estamos inmersos es mucho más compleja de lo que podríamos comprender y cada acto nuestro tiene consecuencias que realmente no podemos medir... 

He aquí otra muestra de gran detalle y muy buen trabajo de pintura / tampos de esta marca japonesa: Furuta. Me encanta su esquema de color y en general el diseño de esta Enterprise de la clase Ambassador que "fue" producida en un futuro ficcional, en 2292. 

Disfrútenla y confiando en DIOS nos veremos la semana que sigue... =)

When we think of time travel, which under the laws of physics is virtually impossible, we like to let our imagination fly... 

Interesting theories (that word again...) have been raised by science fiction writers either for the literary, cinematic or television worlds. 

In the series "Star Trek: The New Generation" (1990) which corresponds to the third saga of the franchise, a paradox occurs with tragic consequences because of a trip back in time to the future of the spacecraft published today. 

The NCC-1701-C, in its timeline (i.e. the "past": year 2344...) was to be destroyed along with its entire crew; however having entered a space-time anomaly and traveling to the future, the ship and its crew survived and the "course of events" changed dramatically, since an alien civilization that was to be an ally (the Klingons) had become a bitter enemy of the Federation of Planets. 

In other words, something happened that should not happen...

Leaving aside the science fiction and back to reality, I’m afraid that the space-time structure in which we are involved is far more complex than we might understand and every single act has consequences that we can’t really measure... 

Here is another example of great detail and very good paint / tampos of this Japanese brand: Furuta. I love the color scheme and overall design of this Ambassador class Enterprise that "was" produced in a fictional future, in 2292. 

Enjoy it and trusting in GOD we will be here the next week... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Interesting to see some US branded toy been manufactured by Japanese company. Like you see trends of such in Batman and Marvel figures/gasaphon. Another carrier to your fleet of collection. Congrats!

chrismandesign said...

i dunno if these mini-replicas were released for the western market only, but indeed is not usual to see these things here and i guess that they are even more rare in the east... the design of these spaceships is unique in the vast universe of science fiction.. =)

sl619 said...

nice details for a tiny (i guess?) figure but the colours are a bit on the lighter side for the enterprise yeah? :D

chrismandesign said...

hey sI619!!! yeah tiny, it has barely 4 1/2" length... and the color scheme, well, its a "bit" more colorful than the rest of Enterprises which have mainly a very light grey on their fuselage... as i said somewhere, these mini-replicas are comparable in detail with a pretty decent 1/144 model kit... THX for your comments... =)