Sunday, March 11, 2012

1971 Plymouth GTX 2009 JL’s 40 Anniversary Series Release 8 Diecast Scale 1:68 by Johnny Lightning

Algunos autos espectaculares concebidos en la Época de Oro de los Muscle Cars americanos, tuvieron una vida fulgurante pero corta, como la de una estrella azul (los que saben algo de astrofísica podrán entender la analogía... =P). 

El problema no fue la baja calidad en su fabricación o su pobre desempeño, ni siquiera se trató de mal gusto en el diseño de su carrocería, su decoración o la falta de opciones para personalizarlo desde el concesionario. 

¡NO!... ¡Fue la crisis del petróleo en los 70s!...

El Plymouth GTX de 1971 tenía (y tiene) todo para ser un ganador. Fue el "hermano privilegiado" del Plymouth Road Runner, con quien compartía plataforma y un diseño de carrocería muy similar, pero a diferencia de este, estaba orientado a un comprador más maduro (entrado en años y con más poder adquisitivo), así que venía cargado de opciones, accesorios y acabados más finos. 

Ni hablar de su desempeño, que es bastante respetable, con un motor V8 440 de 7,2 L y 370 hp "estándar" o la opción de un exquisito V8 426 Hemi de 7,0 L y 425 hp. 

Lo triste es que semejante portento sólo fue producido durante 5 años (1967-1971). 

Pero no todo es triste aquí, pues tuve la alegría de adquirir una estupenda reproducción hecha por una marca que está bastante alto en mis preferencias: Johnny Lightning. Esta réplica en miniatura tiene excelentes acabados y detalles. 

El diseño del auto derrocha tanta masculinidad, que incluso en azul pastel se ve varonil (difícilmente podríamos decir lo mismo de otros autos). S

ólo me resta agradecer sus visitas y esperar que el Alfa y la Omega, el Eterno DIOS, me permita publicar algo nuevo la semana que viene... =)

Some spectacular cars designed in the Golden Age of American Muscle Cars, had a brilliant but short life, like a blue star (those who know about astrophysics will understand the analogy... =P). 

The problem was not the low quality in workmanship or the poor performance, it was not even a matter of bad taste in the bodywork design, their decoration or the lack of options to customize it from factory. 

NO!... It was the oil crisis in the 70s!...

The 1971 Plymouth GTX had (and has) everything to be a winner. It was the "privileged brother" of the Plymouth Road Runner, with whom it shared a platform and body design very similar, but unlike the latter, was aimed at a mature buyer (older and with more purchasing power), so it came loaded with options, accessories and fine finishes. 

Not to mention its performance, which is quite respectable, with a V8 440 engine of 7,2 L and 370 hp as "standard" or the option of an exquisite V8 426 Hemi engine of 7,0 L and 425 hp. 

The sad thing is that such portent was only produced for about 5 years (1967-1971). 

But not everything is sad here, because I had the joy of getting a great scale reproduction made by a brand that is quite high in my preferences: Johnny Lightning. This miniature replica has excellent finishes and details. 

The design of this car exudes so much masculinity that looks manly even in pastel blue (we hardly could afford to say the same about other cars). 

I can only thank all of you for your visits and hope that the Alpha and the Omega, the Eternal GOD, allow me to post something new next week... =)


Bera said...

wooow! seems like muscle cars collection of yours is growing. and as expected by Johnny Lightning, very well detailed. nice catch you have there. I am still waiting for a Shelby Cobra here :-)

chrismandesign said...

and you should wait a little bit more... LOL... i will not say that you will see of them soon, but there will be one for sure (is already ordered), just be patient... you know, the fruit of patience is... a Shelby Cobra... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

on the other hand, yeah, my Muscle Car collection is growing fast (probably as fast as the cars themselves LOL) and my budget is been reduced proportionately (these monsters not only eat gasoline...) =)

Bera said...

looks like we have a "big catch" here... okay... I'll just let you surprise me! and I am getting excited now about that Cobra hahaha.

AND I'll post something maybe on weekends... and it's kinda exciting too :-) that's what I always love about toys hahaha.

oh.. and btw, I've seen in the news today, one of the volcanoes there in Colombia is showing sign of volcanic eruption.. how's everything there? Just take care.

chrismandesign said...

thank you very much for your concern =)... fortunately this volcano (Nevado del Ruiz) is about 120 km away from my hometown, but there are at least 15 near towns in alert by this phenomenon...

on the other hand, i have bad news... my primary hard disk is ruined so the operative system cannot upload... i will be out of line for a while... i will try to solve this serious problem as fast as i can... ;(

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

You know, I sure like the front portion of the car especially the head lights. Though vintage, it still bears the sleek space fighter outlook. The colour reminds me of Dinoco car from the movie 'Cars'. The interior seems a little plain but some nice work on the engine compartment.

chrismandesign said...

the Plymouth GTX/Road Runner was one of the most particular designs in the Muscle Cars’ universe, specially the 71’s model... the blue in the color scheme is lighter than that of the Dinoco’s vehicles and believe it or not the interior is very detailed, also it was the original color of the interior design in the actual car... it was a pity that the hood could not be opened as much as i wanted to show the engine properly, because is bigger than the Road Runner’s engine... =)

David John Shewsbury said...

thanx to u, I have the same :-)

chrismandesign said...

yeah... i don’t know if you’re planning to open the card of this diecast, but at least you can sneak a peek on its great details !!! =)