Sunday, April 8, 2012

1965 Chevrolet Impala SS Convertible - Full Size 2-Door Convertible - 2009 JL’s 40 Anniversary Series Release 8 Diecast Scale 1:69 by Johnny Lightning

Pocos modelos de autos pueden ostentar más de 1’000.000 de unidades vendidas en los E.E.U.U.A. en un sólo año. 

De hecho, es un record que no ha sido superado hasta ahora. Pero hay más de lo que puede verse aquí y algunas consideraciones deben ser tenidas en cuenta para dimensionar lo que estoy diciendo. 

Estamos hablando de un auto norteamericano de tamaño completo de los 60s, es decir, 3,6 toneladas de belleza metálica que pueden fácilmente llenar el garaje de un camión. 

En contraste, hoy en día los autos mejor vendidos son básicamente cajas de fósforos que no llegan a los talones del maravilloso vehículo que estoy publicando. 

Por supuesto, es una enorme bestia que necesita un enorme motor para moverla y para este propósito había disponible, en el nivel más alto, un motor 396 CID bloque-grande de "tamaño completo" que podía producir algo así como 375 hp. 

En contraste, hoy un carro para las masas con 100 hp es considerado un "bólido", aunque estos son muy ecológicos (bla, bla, bla). 

Así, podría mencionar varios datos que hacen de este auto algo especial, mejor aún, enormemente especial, pero hasta ahora mis reseñas no han sido extensivas sino intensivas. 

Este diecast de Johnny Lightning que presenta un Chevrolet Impala SS Convertible de 1965 es uno de los moldes más detallados que haya visto (y JL tiene magníficos moldes últimamente) con un trabajo de pintura y tampografía de primera categoría, excelente trabajo en los interiores (totalmente a la vista, pues es un convertible), el diseño de los rimes no podría ser mejor seleccionado... 

Bueno, es tiempo de dejar la escena, no sin antes agradecer al Castillo Fuerte, nuestra Esperanza, el DIOS Todopoderoso y nos vemos la próxima semana... =)

Few models of cars in the history can flaunt more than 1,000,000 units sold in the U.S.A. in a single year...

Indeed is a record which has not been bettered until now. But there is more than meet the eye here and some considerations must be taken in account to size what I’m saying. 

We are talking about a full size American car from the 60s, I mean 3.6 tons of metallic beauty that could easily fill out a truck’s garage. 

In contrast, today the best-sellers are basically matchboxes which don’t arrive on the heels of the wonderful vehicle I’m publishing. 

Of course, is a big beast that needs a big engine to move on and for this purpose there was available, on the top level, a "full size" 396 CID big-block engine that could reach something like 375 hp. 

In contrast, today a car for the masses with 100 hp is considered a "rocket", although they’re very ecological (blah, blah, blah). 

This way, I could mention many facts that make this car something special, I mean, hugely special but so far my reviews have not been extensive but intensive. 

This Johnny Lightning diecast that features a 1965 Chevrolet Impala SS Convertible is one of the most detailed cast I have ever seen (and JL has great casts lately) with a top notch paint and pad printing job, excellent work on the interiors (totally in sight because it’s a convertible), the wheels design couldn’t be better selected... 

Well, it’s time to leave the scene, not before thanking to the Strong Castle, our Hope, the Almighty GOD and see you next week... =)


Bera said...

wow... great work again by JL. I love the color too. is that maroon? talking about great details.. I suggest you try Greenlight. they have very good detailing job. my favorite is the Dodge Charger by them.. though I didn't consider buying it. I chose Shelby Cobra haha.

chrismandesign said...

i think its color is burgundy and yep it’s very classy and fit this Impala like a glove... there are some Greenlight on the way, also other brands so stay tune =O... by the way, Johnny Lightning became my favorite brand by its wide selection of american Muscle Cars... it’s not so affordable if you ask me, but is well compensated by its great features... you’re very kind to pay me a visit again pal THX =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Awesome sale record and bet CEO of Johnny Lightning would be smiling... Indeed a well made diecast with the seats made really comfy looking. The wheels also looks well chromed and polished.

chrismandesign said...

after a while i understood the selection of models in this series and i think is successful !!!... it’s an outstanding diecast, nicely detailed (a lot better than the work done by other brands in the same scale) and yeah the wheels design and finishing is remarkable... it’s a lovely oldie and i’m glad that you like it... seriously you have good taste pal... =)

David John Shewsbury said...

i have this also.... very nice... the engine details looks so real... love it so much... way much better than those Hot Wheels....

chrismandesign said...

as i mentioned, this is one of the best casting by JL, faithful to the original, indeed one of my favorites in this series (or in any series)... the problem with HW diecast is that even in the more expensive series the work on the interiors leaves much to be desired... it’s been a long time but THX for coming back... =D