Sunday, June 24, 2012

1973 Chevrolet Vega GT Fastback Compact Sport Coupe -The Spoilers- JL’s 40 Anniversary Series (2009) Release 8 - LIghtning Strike (Super Chase Model) Diecast Scale 1:63 by Johnny Lightning

Cuando estaba preparando la presente publicación, ¡no pude creer que éste fue uno de los más grandes errores de General Motors!... 

En los 70s, cuando los Muscle Cars florecían en tamaño, potencia y voracidad (tragándose todo lo que tenían en frente y exigiendo más y más gasolina), una invasión llegó de la nada (bueno, en realidad llegó desde Japón y Europa =PPPPP). 

Autos diminutos con muchos accesorios, un consumo de combustible que parecía más anorexia automotriz y una estética muy cuestionable, llegaron a ser una amenaza para la industria norteamericana del automóvil, así que esta última preparó un contaataque. 

Una de las respuestas para este desafío japonés / europeo fue el Chevrolet Vega... 

Este tuvo un buen recibimiento al principio, pero después fue muy criticado principalmente por sus problemas en la carrocería (corrosión rápida), elementos específicos en el motor y asuntos de seguridad, en particular con los primeros modelos (fabricados antes de Mayo de 1972). 

Afortunadamente no voy a presentar uno de esos modelos problemáticos, NO, sino el Coupé Fastback Deportivo Compacto Chevrolet Vega GT de 1973 en réplica a escala de Johnny Lightning. 

En mi opinión personal, el Vega es un diseño fabuloso y JL hizo su tarea bastante bien aquí. 

El esquema de color es estridente pero divertido, la selección del diseño de los rimes con acabado cromado es excelente, el motor está expuesto de forma atractiva y lo que más me gusta: las extravagantes llantas amarillas, ¿mencioné que este viene normalmente con las llantas negras tradicionales?... ¡Pero el mío es diferente =PPPPP, probablemente porque es un muy. muy raro Lightning Strike, el Modelo Super Chase de JL!... 

Es tiempo para la despedida, pero no sin antes agradecer a nuestro Glorioso Salvador Jesucristo... Continuará la próxima semana... =)

When I was preparing this publication, I just couldn’t believe this was one of the biggest mistakes of General Motors!... 

In the 70s, when the Muscle Cars were blooming in size, power and voracity (eating everything on their way and demanding more and more gasoline), an invasion came from nowhere (well, actually it came from Japan and Europe =PPPPP). 

Tiny cars with a lot of accessories, a fuel consumption that looked more like automotive anorexia and a highly questionable aesthetics, became a threat for the North American car industry, so the latter prepared the counterattack. 

One of the answers for the Japanese / European challenge was the Chevrolet Vega... 

It had a good receiving at the beginning, but later it was criticized by its problems mainly in the body (fast corrosion), specific elements in the engine and safety issues, specially in the earlier models (before May 1972). 

Fortunately I’m not gonna introduce one of those problematic models, NO, but the 1973 Chevrolet Vega GT Fastback Compact Sport Coupe in scale replica by Johnny Lightning. 

In my personal opinion, the Vega is a fabulous design and JL made its homework pretty fine here. 

The color scheme and decor is strident but funny, the rims design’s selection in chrome finishing is excellent, the engine is nicely exposed and what I love the most: the quirky yellow tires, did I mention that it comes usually with the traditional black tires?... But mine is different =PPPPP, probably because is a very, very rare Lightning Strike, the Super Chase Model of JL!... 

Time for the farewell, but not without thanking to our Glorious Savior Jesus Christ... To be continued next week... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

Apart from the tires in yellow, everything else looks great. I have the same model but from Maisto instead of JL.

chrismandesign said...

i thought you would say that =P but i was serious when i said that is precisely the yellow tires what i like the most here... you know my opinion about Maisto, though their paint and pad printing job has been improved, they lack of detail... anyway i will sneak a peek your Vega, just to be sure... =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I luv the colour even on the wheels cos yellow is my favourite colour. So, it's without the bonnet! Like ripping off the shirt to show off the muscle (In this aspect, its the chrome engine). Overall, it gives a happy and bright feel.

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHA... if you’re happy, i’m happier =D... yeah, yellow is bright and optimistic, always catch your attention, you can’t go unnoticed in yellow... although this car was a bet of GM for the economy in the fuel consumption, some enthusiasts took it as a basis for serious muscle cars and dragsters... did i mention that i love yellow tires already ??? LOL

Bera said...

wow yellow tires! it's weird but I like it yellow LOL! it reminds me of white lightnings - which are very rare and pricey too. great catch!

chrismandesign said...

HEHE...yep, White Lightning... i would like to see more exclusive features on that premium JL line apart from the white chassis, tires, wheels and/or interiors... they’re very limited editions but in spite of me myself i will pass on that line since i think is not a good deal (i hope to keep my word LOL)... there are better options in JL to spend your money wisely...

here is another fan of weirdness !!! yeah, yellow tires for president !!! LOL