Sunday, July 29, 2012

Juggernaut Marvel Universe Series 2 -014- Mini Action Figure by Hasbro

Esta es otra "choco-aventura" del humilde propietario de este blog... ¡Hey, me encanta coleccionar experiencias también, créanme! @____@... 

Por razones que no recuerdo muy bien, mi hermana menor, mi cuñado, una de mis sobrinas y su servidor, hicimos un extraño viaje a un conocido centro comercial de mi ciudad natal. 

Fuimos a un mini-parque allí dentro (mi sobrinita quería jugar un rato...) y lo indecible ocurrió... ¡Ví una tienda de juguetes! (gritos y llanto desesperados sonaron a mi alrededor... HAHAHA). 

Me las arreglé para convencer a mis compañeros de viaje para ir allí, sólo para "echar un vistazo" y pienso que ellos no imaginaban qué cruzaba por mi mente en ese preciso momento o al menos lo disimularon bastante bien XD... 

No estaba buscando nada en particular y de hecho no tenía grandes expectativas pues aunque las tiendas de juguetes aquí en Bogotá, D.C., tienen un buen surtido, los coleccionistas adultos no son precisamente su prioridad, sin embargo... 

¡Miren lo que encontré!... Otro portador de la Gema de Cyttorak llegó =D. 

Juggernaut, uno de mis personajes favoritos de todos los tiempos, de Marvel, ahora es parte de mi colección. 

Ya publiqué otra figura de un amigo mío (coleccionista, también). Esta, a diferencia de la de mi amigo, es cerca de 5" de espectacularidad, con 19 fabulosos puntos de articulación (esto es increíble a esa escala, ¿correcto?), un trabajo de pintura y proporción de primera clase, el nivel de detalle es demencial, hay una mini-base de exhibición con el logo de Marvel en relieve, también el nombre del personaje en tampo y un mini-volante con un "archivo clasificado"

La Serie Marvel Universe está compuesta por figuras de 3"3/4 pero siendo este personaje un superhumano, tiene un tamaño mayor que lo hace lucir aún más impresionante al exhibirlo en grupo. 

Juggernaut es una especie de "Trea$ure Hunt$" (los coleccionistas de Hot Wheels allá afuera, incluído yo, sabrán a lo que me refiero...) cuando se trata de figuras de colección, así que este artículo es realmente difícil de conseguir a un precio razonable, al menos en mi terruño y si, se puede conseguir en E-Bay, pero luego de envío e impuestos puede alcanzar fácilmente US$50-60 (¿comprenden mi mensaje?)... 

Bueno, esta clase de dulzuras son las que me permite disfrutar el DIOS de la Biblia... Es real, ¿de acuerdo? ¡Y es genial !!!... Espero verlos pronto... =)

This is another so called "choco-adventure" of the humble owner of this blog... Oh, I love to collect experiences as well, believe me! @____@... 

For reasons I don’t remember very well, my younger sister, my brother-in-law, one of my nieces and yours, made a weird journey to a well-known mall in my hometown. 

We went to a mini-park inside there (my niece wanted to play for a while...) and then the unspeakable happened... I saw a Toy Shop! (screams and cries in despair sounded around me... LOLOLOL). 

I managed to convince my fellow travelers to go there, just to "take a look" and I think they didn’t imagine what crossed my mind in that very moment or at least they were pretending very well XD... 

I was not looking for something in particular and actually I had no great expectations since although the toy shops in Bogotá, D.C. have a good assortment, the adult collectors are not precisely their priority, however... 

Look what I found!... Another bearer of the Gem of Cyttorak arrived =D. 

Juggernaut, one of my all time favorite Marvel’s characters is now part of my collection. 

I already published another one which is from a friend of mine (collector, as well). This one, unlike the latter is about 5" of awesomeness, fabulous 19 points of articulation (this is unbelievable in this scale, right?), a first class paint job and work on proportion, the level of detail is insane, there is a mini-display base with the Marvel Logo embossed, also the name of the character in tampo and a mini-flyer with a "classified file"

The Marvel Universe Series consist of 3"3/4 high figures but being this character a superhuman, has an extra size which makes it look even more awesome when is displayed in group. 

Juggernaut is a sort of "Trea$ure Hunt$" (those Hot Wheels collectors out there, me included, will know what I mean...) when it comes to collection figures, so this item is really hard to find for a reasonable price, at least at my hometown and yeah you can find it at E-Bay but this item after shipping and taxes could easily reach up to US$50-60 (did you get my message?)... 

Well, these are the sweet things which the GOD of the Bible allows me to enjoy... It’s real, right? And it’s great!... Hope to see you soon... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

So, you got yourself a surprise and great catch of the day. Now I know your fav is Juggernaut! He is one tough guy. Like you had mentioned, this big guy sure stands out from other in the same toy line. Even the stand seems so puny for him. Good paint job and weathering on the armor I must say. Congrats for the find.

David John Shewsbury said...

Wow... I dont know much about this guy but I would love to have him as a bad guy in my next figure comic (digirama)... the details very nice and have decent articulation... a good figure to have!!!

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

yeah, finally i got my hands on him, after playing with this guy time and time again in Marvel Superheroes arcades it was about time to have something solid to play with LOL... the first time i saw this line (a few of them available here) i thought it would be great to collect them (all) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... your blog’s name is fantastic pal !!! =)

chrismandesign said...

to Shewsbury:

i don’t know how you guessed that Juggernaut is a villain but you’re right !!!... actually this guy has almost the same level of articulation of your Spidy (only his head has no articulation) 19 vs. 20 respectively, but his bulkiness makes it less flexible... this figure is indeed a masterpiece in its kind and a must for Marvel fans... =)

Bera said...

I have also a friend who collects juggernaut figures. the only thing I can see with this guy is his arms LOL! I think his mask can be removed... right? hahaha. sorry I am not fan of marvel characters... I loved Xmen and my favorite before when I was a kid is Cyclops just because I thought his laser eyes is very cool hahaha.

nice catch though ;)

chrismandesign said...

i began as a fan of comics before than anime, now i have the same fascination for both worlds... i watched the X-Men series as well but my obsession with Juggernaut came from the arcades/videogames... the figure is just great, even if you’re not a fan of the character, however the helmet (magical or mystical indeed) cannot be detached, since the face is part of the helmet itself, anyway i don’t mind since it looks better with the helmet...

uhmmm... i’m still waiting for more publications of yours to comment =P... =)