Sunday, September 9, 2012

1966 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu SS Hardtop Coupe 1996 Muscle Cars U.S.A. Series 1 Limited Edition Diecast Scale 1:70 by Johnny Lightning

Cuando pensaba que mi romance con Johnny Lightning estaba por terminar (y no por la ausencia de amor y devoción o por mis coqueteos sistemáticos con otras marcas, noooo... HAHAHA) alguien generoso vino a salvar el día =D...

Creo que una de mis misiones secretas es fungir como un destructor de mitos, en lo que se refiere a los asuntos del coleccionismo. 

He percibido que muchas personas piensan, que los coleccionistas son un puñado de codiciosos y bien, algunas veces es absolutamente cierto porque la naturaleza humana ha sido pervertida por el pecado, lo cual puede verse en prácticamente todas las actividades de la humanidad. 

Sin embargo, algunas veces podemos hacer uso de algún desprendimiento y generosidad, libremente y por ningún motivo en particular, como el resto de los mortales (gracias sean dadas a DIOS por eso =DDDDD). 

Otro apreciado colega coleccionista, quiso darme este presente y no pude evitar sentirme avergonzado, pero no se puede rechazar un acto desinteresado pues puede ser considerado ofensivo. 

En la medida de mis posibilidades trato de hacer lo mismo y puedo asegurar que es cierto aquello de que hay más bendición en dar que en recibir =). 

Me encanta esta mini-réplica del feroz Coupé Techo Duro Chevrolet Chevelle Malibú SS de 1966, un Muscle Car de tamaño mediano con varias mejoras de fábrica en el chasis, suspensiones, sin mencionar el motor disponible: un 396 CID V8 bloque-grande "estándar" clasificado desde 325 hp hasta 375 hp dependiendo de la configuración, suficiente para humillar muchos "infractores más jóvenes"

En el departamento cosmético, fueron adicionadas entradas de aire simuladas en el capó, ruedas con banda roja, diseño de rimes del Camaro y molduras cromadas... ¡Estamos hablando de estilo, damas y caballeros!...

Este es un diecast vintage hecho hace 16 años, cuando Johnny Lightning era parte de Playing Mantis, empacado en una tarjeta grande y elegante, una edición limitada de 20.000 en todo el mundo, para coleccionistas, numerada individualmente, con carrocería y chasis en diecast. 

El trabajo de pintura está basado en las fórmulas de pintura originales del fabricante y los rimes cromados son basados en los diseños de Cragar (Cragar es una empresa norteamericana, especializada en crear rimes para autos americanos de alto desempeño). 

El nivel de detalle es notable considerando su edad y por sí acaso, las ruedas traseras más grandes no son un error... ¡Este auto está listo para piques de 1/4 de milla! ¡Como "ñapa" incluye una linda medalla plástica con un acabado que imita el metal, estoy realmente complacido!...  

Sea el Santo de Israel nuestra esperanza para los tiempos duros por venir... ¡Que tengan una agradable semana!... =)

When I thought that my romance with Johnny Lightning was about to end (and not because of the absence of love and devotion or by my systematic flirts with other brands, noooo... HAHAHA) someone generous comes and saves the day =D... 

I think that one of my secret missions is to serve as a mythbuster, when it comes to collecting issues. 

I perceived that many people think that, the collectors are a handful of greedy and well, sometimes it’s absolutely true because the human nature has been perverted by sin, which can be seen in virtually all the humankind activities. 

However, we can use some detachment and generosity, freely and for no specific reason, as the rest of mortals (thanks be to GOD for that =DDDDD). 

Another appreciated fellow collector, wanted to give me this present and I couldn’t help feeling ashamed, but you cannot reject a selfless act since it would be considered offensive. 

To the extend of my possibilities I try to do the same and I can assure you it’s true that there is more blessing into give than into receive =). 

I love this mini-replica of the fierce 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu SS Hardtop Coupe, a medium size Muscle Car with many factory upgrades in the chassis, suspensions and not to mention the engine available: a "standard" 396 CID V8 big-block rated from 325 hp to 375 hp depending on the configuration, just enough to humiliate many "younger offenders"

In the cosmetic department, were added simulated hood scoops, red-stripe tires, the wheels design from the Camaro and bright trim moldings...We’re talking about style, ladies and gentlemen!...

This is a vintage diecast made 16 years ago, when Johnny Lightning was part of Playing Mantis, packed in a big and fancy card, a limited edition of 20,000 worldwide, for collectors, individually numbered, with body and chassis in diecast. 

The paint job is based on the manufacturer’s original paint formulas and the chrome rims are based on Cragar’s designs (Cragar is a North American company, specialized into create rims for high performance American cars). 

The level of detail is remarkable considering its age and by the way, the bigger rear wheels are not a mistake... This car is ready for 1/4 mile racing!.. As a "bonus" it has a great plastic medal with a finishing imitating metal, I’m really pleased!...  

May the Saint of Israel be our hope for the hard times to come... Have a nice week!... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

No openable engine hood on this one? Apart from the white interior color, I like the looks of this car. You should try do some customization once a while LOL....

chrismandesign said...

indeed some specific models by JL don’t have openable hoods but the details and finishing remain the same (as great as always) so you don’t miss this feature that much...

customization... no way !!! at least not now and definitely not with this model... however, i have ruined 2 diecast in my recent photo shoots, so maybe they will be my guinea pigs, who knows ??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... =)

Bera said...

oh you're back :D back to JL's again haha. I don't think you'll ever give up on this brand.. not you hahaha!

another masterpiece by JL - nice details and paint job. it really glows with that metallic paint though it is very simple.

chrismandesign said...

♥♥♥♥♥... did you mention Johnny Lightning ??? HAHAHAHA... no, i won’t give up on this loooove XDDDDD...

uhmmm the paint scheme is not so simple indeed... as far as i know the emphasis of this particular series is not the decorations, but to be faithful to the original paint job and manufacturer’s formulas of the actual car back in 1966... if i’m not wrong, this one is called "Rally Green" and it has a frosty finish similar to that of my previous post on the Hot Wheels Street Beats/Swingfire... =)

Bera said...

wow you really know many things about.. cars haha

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Humans have strong wants and desires, we also have strong attachment to certain stuffs and I guess it's how collection develops. Important we exercise restraint. Then again it's ok to treat oneself well and buy things you like to pamper yourself once in a while. It's all about balance.

This car looks really vintage and the memory coin is a nice touch.

chrismandesign said...

totally agree with you, is not a crime to indulge yourself sometimes but i think as well that to exercise generosity is a good therapy against the excessive auto-indulgence and to find the balance XDDDDD...

yeah, it has the vintage taste... is not as detailed and faithful to the original as the recent JL releases but is a lot better than the regular models by Hot Wheels and other brands... =)