Sunday, November 11, 2012

1973 Chevrolet Vega V-8 Custom Compact Sport Coupe (Custom V-8 Vega) Vega 2010 Faster Than Ever Series 01/10 Diecast Scale 1:64 by Hot Wheels

¿Alguien ha pensado en las estrellas mientras conduce un carro?... 

Probablemente no, en especial cuando hay un tráfico desastroso a tu alrededor y mucho trabajo pendiente para el día siguiente... 

Eso es bastante usual hoy en día, pero hubo tiempos menos agotadores y exigentes, cuando podías ver las estrellas mientras conducías o estabas en el auto-cinema. 

Estrellas y autos no parecen estar relacionados de ninguna manera, ¿pero qué hay de un vehículo con el nombre de una estrella?... 

Bueno, la estrella más brillante de la constelación Lira se llama precisamente Vega. 

Alguien en General Motors tuvo la brillante idea de llamar Vega a un subcompacto producido entre 1970 y 1977. 

Tenía cuatro "sabores": hatchback, notchback, wagon y panel de envío. 

Su diseño es bastante distintivo, pero tiene algunos genes de su hermano mayor, el Camaro. 

Estos coches eran diminutos comparados con los Muscle Cars de tamaño completo; por supuesto, su intención era competir con las "cajas de fósforos" de Honda, Nissan y Toyota, así que no podías esperar que un Cadillac Deville hiciera el trabajo...

Yo sé que hay gente que le encantan estas "lindas cajas de fósforos" japonesas de los 70’s, pero en mi humilde opinión son sencillamente feas. 

Al menos en ese punto (el diseño), las marcas americanas hicieron un mejor trabajo y algunos de estos Vega fueron equipados (como un desafío a la crisis petrolera de los 70’s, eso creo) con un simpático motor V8 (¡cómo todo un jefe!). 

El diecast reseñado aquí, más comúnmente conocido como Coupé Deportivo Compacto Chevy Vega GT V8 de 1973 es otro regalo (este año estuvo lleno de ellos =DDDDD) y es la segunda pieza publicada de este modelo. 

Algunas veces Hot Wheels logra moldes grandiosos, muy detallados y fieles (el crédito va para Rob Matthes), acompañados por un excelente trabajo de pintura y una decoración simple pero limpia... 

Es cuando digo: ¡HW, necesitas hacer esto más seguido!... Así que estoy complacido otra vez con este regalo. 

Ah, y por sí acaso, esta serie Faster Than Ever tiene una particularidad: el eje es niquelado lo cual reduce la fricción y permite a las ruedas girar más suavemente. 

¡No sé si tengo una fijación con este color azul metálico, pero se ve tan bien aquí!... Y este tipo no vino solo, el homólogo de Johnny Lightning se unió a la fiesta, ¡así que disfrútenlos!... 

Sea la Palabra de Cristo la luz que ilumina tú camino en esta vida... Nos vemos la próxima vez... =)

Has anybody thought into stars when is driving a car?... 

Probably not, specially when you have a mess of traffic around you and a lot of work pending for the next day... 

That’s quite usual nowadays, but there were times less exhausting and demanding, when you could check out the stars while you were driving or in a car cinema. 

Stars and cars don’t seem to be related in any way, but what about a car with the name of a star?... 

Well, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra is named precisely Vega. 

Someone in General Motors had the bright idea to name Vega to a subcompact produced between 1970 and 1977. 

It had four "flavors": hatchback, notchback, wagon and panel delivery. 

Its design is quite distinctive but have some genes from its big brother, the Camaro. 

These cars were tiny compared with the full size Muscle Cars; of course, they were meant to compete with the "matchboxes" by Honda, Nissan, and Toyota, so you couldn’t expect for the Cadillac Deville to do the job...

I know there are people who love those "cute" 70’s Japanese "matchboxes", but in my humble opinion they’re plainly ugly. 

At least at that point (the design), the American brands did a better work and some of these Vega were equipped (as a challenge to the 70’s oil crisis, I guess) with a nice V8 engine (like a boss!). 

The diecast reviewed here, more commonly know as 1973 Chevy Vega GT V8 Compact Sport Coupe is another gift (this year has been plenty of them =DDDDD) and is the second piece published of this model. 

Sometimes Hot Wheels achieves great castings, very detailed and accurate (the credit goes to Rob Matthes), accompanied by an excellent paint job and a simple but neat decor... 

That’s when I say: HW, you need to this more often!... So I’m pleased again with this gift. 

Oh, and just in case, this Faster Than Ever Series has a particularity: the axle is nickel-plated which causes less friction and let the wheels run more smoothly. 

I don’t know if I have a fixation with this metallic blue color, but it looks so good here!... And this guy is not alone, the Johnny Lightning counterpart joined the party, so enjoy them!... 

May the Word of Christ be the lamp that light your path in this life... See you next time... =)


Bera said...

wow... a car named after a star.. I didn't know about that. you're really very knowledgeable about cars, arent you? hahaha.

for me it has a fantastic design and very classic. I agree it resembles the Camaro - I thought it was hahaha. that yellow one is posted already if I'm not mistaken but yellow tires would always catch my attention haha

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Hey I only know Vega from Street Fighters.. Hee! Hee! Kidding bro! Most of the time, I would associate Hot Wheels to cars manned for playing and more for kids. Seems like they are also quite dedicated to replica cars and for collectors, it shouldn't be shabby. White interior and red tainted windows. Kind of flashy I think.

chrismandesign said...

to Bera:

HEHEHE... actually i consider myself more pasionate than expert, but someone pasionate digs in search of the right info... however thank you very much for your compliment pal, i’m honored... =)

yeah you’re right, the yellow Vega was published not so long ago and i love it ♥♥♥♥♥... i just wanted to put them side by side, to show that HW can do a good job in their diecast of the regular lines, unfortunately that’s not always the case... besides, yellow and blue make a great contrast, don’t you think so ??? =OOOOO

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

HAHAHA... i know about Vega since i used to kick his ass in Marvel vs Street Fighter with Wolverine LOL...

indeed Hot Wheels has many lines intended for adult collectors, in limited editions, with nice details and very expensive (some of them will be published here soon !!!) and other brands as well... but what is unusual is find nice castings in the regular lines, like in this case... i used to think like you pal, but once i checked carefully i just changed my mind... this is a beautiful diecast and the red tinted windows remind me those of the Decepticons vehicles, very badass... =D