Sunday, November 18, 2012

SOFA Salón del Ocio y la Fantasía 2012 (SEFA Show of Entertainment and Fantasy 2012) -Event Coverage Part 1, The Mockery- by ChrismanDesign / My First Bloggy Experience

Esta es la primera vez que tengo que confesar un mal común entre los blogueros... 

La plaga de la pereza me atacó como una horda de zombies voraces. Mi entusiasmo por cubrir el SOFA este año estuvo a punto de colapsar. 

Tenía planes para ir con algunos amigos y colegas coleccionistas, pero nuestras agendas lo hicieron imposible y en serio, ir sólo no era muy tentador que digamos =/////... 

El año pasado fuimos "en manada", listos para "dejarnos" sorprender, también a criticar y (¿por qué no?) burlarnos de algunas personas raras, que no faltan (al menos más que nosotros mismos) y ¿adivinen qué?... 

¡Lo hicimos!... HAHAHA... 

Nosotros lo llamamos: "echar lavadero" o "rajar del gremio y la clase trabajadora", ustedes pueden llamarlo: "el juego burlón" XDDDDD... 

Nos divertimos de lo lindo y jugamos como idiotas (por así decirlo... ¡HA!), también gastamos 6 horas de nuestras vidas riendo, tomando fotos aquí y allá, mirando, algunas veces preguntando, criticando (¿lo mencioné ya?), quejándonos, hablando, comiendo (¿cerebros?) y por supuesto, el caminar (de los muertos HAHAHA, quiero decir ¡OUCH!) fue realmente agotador, ¡PUUFFFFFF! 

Además visitamos algunos expositores específicos y familiares y tuvimos algunas charlas "sin sentido" (por favor, no me tomen a mal, nosotros no empezamos a hablar en lengua Élfica o en el idioma de los habitantes de Endor, como hacen los frikis)... 

¡Haber, por el bien de los coleccionistas!... ¡Todavía estamos conectados a la realidad!... =PPPPP). 

Al final, sólo compramos unas pocas cosas porque nuestro objetivo principal era disfrutar el espectáculo... Parece divertido, ¿cierto?... Y lo fue, en serio... 

Pero la historia cambia bastante este año (suspiro*) ;(((((... 

Me quedé sin dinero y de no ser por un apreciado amigo mío (parece que tengo amigos... ¡Y no son imaginarios! =PPPPP) no podría haber conseguido la boleta... 

Una vez la conseguí, mi deber era realizar el cubrimiento, por mí mismo, así que aquí estoy =D... 

Mis impresiones sobre este evento serán compartidas en la próxima publicación sobre este tema, por eso manténganse conectados... 

Mat 6:34 "Así que, no os afanéis por el día de mañana, porque el día de mañana traerá su afán. Baste a cada día su propio mal."... 

¡Nos vemos! =)

This is the first time I have to confess a common malady among bloggers... 

The plague of laziness attacked me as a horde of ravenous zombies. My enthusiasm for covering the SEFA event this year was about to collapse. 

I had plans to go with some friends and fellow collectors, but our schedules made it impossible and seriously, to go alone was not precisely tempting =/////... 

The last year we went "in droves", ready to"let us" be surprised, also to criticize and (why not?) mock at some weird people, always there (at least more than ourselves) and guess what?... 

We did it!... HAHAHA... 

We call it: "echar lavadero" or "rajar del gremio y la clase trabajadora", you can call it: "the mocking game" XDDDDD... 

We had a lot of fun and played like idiots (so to say... LOL!), also we spend 6 hours or so of our lives laughing, taking photos here and there, looking, sometimes asking, criticizing (did I already mention it?), complaining, talking, eating (brains?) and of course, the walking (dead HAHAHA, I mean OUCH!) was really exhausting, PUUFFFFFF! 

We visited as well some specific and familiar exhibitors and we had some "nonsensical" chats (please, don’t get me wrong, we didn’t start to talk in Elvish language or in the language of the inhabitants of Endor, like the geeks do)... 

Come on, for collector’s sake!... We’re still connected with reality!... =PPPPP. 

At the end, we bought a few things because our main goal was to enjoy the show... Seems funny right?... And seriously it was... 

But the story changes quite a bit this year (sigh*) ;(((((... 

I ran out of money and if not for an appreciated friend of mine (looks like I have friends... And they are not imaginary! =PPPPP) I couldn’t have gotten the ticket... 

Once I got it, my duty was to make the coverage, on my own, so here I am =D... 

My impressions about this event will be shared in the next publication on this topic, so stay tuned...  

Mat 6:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."... 

See ya!... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Another rare event coverage pal! Especially appreciative to know that you travel a long difficult way with the risk of financial crisis... Lots of gothic looking comic drawing, in anime they called it anime cell, I think... I have seen a lot of anime character decals on car but the 'Marvel Avengers' is exotic! Must be awesome accompanied with good weather and joyous crowd.

chrismandesign said...

THX for your interest pal... actually we all have our hard times every now and then, specially with the global economic situation, but trusting in GOD there will be better expectations the next year =)... there was a wide variety of styles of illustration in this event, but i tried to focus on the genres i like... and about the Avengers decor on the Renault Twingo, well it was in fact airbrushed, i guess emulating the "itasha" decors but with comic theme... this work is astonishing !!! =)

Bera said...

wow! that's a cool event! haven't been in that kind of event here. you have great and talented artists in your country :D thanks for sharing that :)

chrismandesign said...

what ??? you said artists ??? you’re talking with one of them =) =P XD... this event is getting stronger, bigger and more organized every year (it was biannual in the beginning...), more activities are added so there is something for everyone... but seriously is better when you go with your "gang"... =)