Sunday, May 1, 2011

2005 Dodge Ram SRT-10 Pickup Truck - 2006 Transformers Alternators Robots In Disguise Series Nemesis Prime Decepticon Transformable Action Figure Scale 1:24 by Hasbro

Ya he escuchado muchas veces que los villanos lucen mucho mejor que los mismos superhéroes. Si este rumor es cierto, entonces yo podría ser un excelente villano... HAHAHA...

Sé que tengo un pequeño problema con la humildad y es que desgraciadamente he recibido algunos comentarios y miradas, que me hacen sentir atractivo (¿en serio?), pero yo NO me lo creo (incluso si es cierto... =PPPPP). 

Sin embargo, yo no creé este blog para hablar de mi encanto físico, sino de mis coleccionables (fin de la auto-adulación XDDDDD).

Volviendo al tema de los villanos, Nemesis Prime hace honor a su fama, pues se toma muy en serio su rol de destructor tanto de Autobots, como de Decepticons... 

Además, nadie tiene que rogarle para que lo haga, porque realmente lo disfruta. Algunos lo llaman "peón" o "marioneta" de Unicron (el más grande poder maligno en el universo Transformers), yo lo llamaría un anti-paladín o paladín del caos. 

Conocido también como Scourge (en su versión japonesa), Nemesis causó un tremendo daño a las dos facciones de Transformers y de no ser por la intervención de los Mini-cons, habría cumplido su misión.

Luego de una muy larga espera, pude tener en mis manos esta escasa figura/vehículo de colección y puedo decir con seguridad que valió la pena; basada en una despampanante Camioneta Pickup Dodge Ram SRT-10 de 2005

Es una edición limitada, aún cuando no se especifica el número de piezas fabricadas, pero podría apostar a que fueron muchas menos que las de la versión Optimus Prime de Alternators / Binaltech. 

Algunos la describen como un "repintado" de éste último, la verdad es que sólo algunas partes son pintadas, porque la resina en que fue moldeada es color negro con vidrios tintados en rojo. 

En modo vehículo luce fabulosa y feroz, en modo robot muy imponente y corpulento con sus 8" de alto. 

Parte del motor se transforma en su arma y tanto su trabajo de pintura como sus tampos son increíblemente precisos, vale cada centavo. 

Como siempre, confío en que el SEÑOR me permita la próxima semana, continuar otro año (y quizás varios más) nutriendo la vista curiosa de muchas personas... =)


I have heard many times that the villains look much better than the superheroes themselves. If this rumor is true, then I might be a great villain... HAHAHA...

I know that I have a little problem with humility and unfortunately I have received some comments and glances that make me feel handsome (really?), but I DON’T think so (even if it’s true... =PPPPP). 

However, I didn’t create this blog to talk about my physical charm, but about my collectibles (end of the self-adulation XDDDDD).

Now returning to villains, Nemesis Prime does honor his fame, because he takes seriously his role as destroyer of both Autobots and Decepticons... 

Also, nobody has to beg him to do it, because he really enjoy it. Some call him "pawn" or "puppet" of Unicron (the greatest evil power in the Transformers universe), I would call him anti-champion or champion of chaos. 

Also know as Scourge (in his Japanese version), Nemesis caused a tremendous damage to the two factions of Transformers and if not for the intervention of the Mini-cons, he would have fulfilled his mission.

After a very long wait, I could get my hands on this scarce collector’s figure/vehicle and I can safely say that it was worth; based on a stunning 2005 Dodge Ram SRT-10 Pickup Truck

It’s a limited edition, even if is not specified the number of pieces produced, but I would bet that much lesser than the Optimus Prime version of Alternators / Binaltech. 

Some describe it as a "repaint" of the latter, the truth is that only some parts are painted, because it was molded in black resin with red-tinted windows. 

In vehicle mode looks fabulous and fierce and very impressive and bulky in robot mode with its 8" high. 

Part of the engine can be transformed in his weapon and both its paint and tampos are incredibly accurate, worth every penny. 

As always, I hope the LORD allows me next week, to continue another year (and perhaps several more) nourishing the curious glance of many people... =)


LEon said...

I have one of this too! lol Evil prime rocks!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Man! Nemesis Prime kickass and the shiny black finish gives it more class. Who cares if he's a decepticon when the toy comes rare and now with high value. That's a great piece bro!

chrismandesign said...

To LEon:

well as i confirmed, u have not published ur Nemesis... is that now ur new philosophy is NOT open the toy ??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... what r u waiting for ??? an incentive ??? =P

cortesmachineart said...


chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

i don’t dare to classify him as a Decepticon (even if he wears its insignia) cuz in the series he appear (at least 2 of them), he attacked both Autobot & Decepticons... indeed he kicked many asses & now he kicked mine HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

chrismandesign said...

to cortesmachineart:

éste señor si es una guscupercorria... y le da en la jeta a cualquier Transformer... refosforito !!!... ya me lo imagino en una comuna de Medallo levantando a cualquier carraspanda que se le atraviese... XDDDDD

Tachikawa said...

After buying my first car, I will put Decepticon Insignia in front of my cars hood...Love the Decepticon Insignia more than Autobots...

Gunstray said...

*Screw the articulation, I'm badass*

chrismandesign said...

to Tachikawa:

actually u r lucky to own ur own car... i would’t think into own one, cuz the traffic here is almost impossible, myb a motorbike XDDDDD... oh, i have a propensity for villians as well =)

chrismandesign said...

to Gun:

articulation ??? who cares bout articulation when he looks that handsome ??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... he’s even flirtatious if u ask me XD

Tachikawa said...

I will try to buy Second hand Car only...
First Hand Car here is too expensive...Because of the Government Tax...
Thanks Chrisman san...