Sunday, December 18, 2011

1950 Chevrolet Panel Delivery 2009 JL’s 40 Anniversary Series Release 8 Diecast Scale 1:66 by Johnny Lightning

Como todas las empresas, Johnny Lightning ha tenido sus altas y bajas. También ha pasado por "varias manos", pues habiendo sido inicialmente de Topper Toys (1969), pasó a propiedad de Playing Mantis (1994) y en 2005 esta última fue comprada por RC2 Corporation, su actual dueña. 

Johnny Lightning, sus productos y sobretodo los consumidores de estas réplicas automotrices a escala, nos hemos visto beneficiados con estos cambios y evolución; pues habiendo conocido de primera mano unos pocos modelos vintage de esta marca, debo decir que la calidad en todos los sentidos (moldes, detalles, pintura, decoración, fidelidad al original) ha mejorado ostensiblemente. 

Los modelos más recientes, aunque más costosos (por lo cual algunos coleccionistas se quejan), justifican plenamente la inversión y es un placer coleccionarlos... 

Si alguien quiere diecast más económicos, hay varias opciones disponibles =PPPPP... 

Aquí está la historia de JL, así que para ver el resto de la misma, invito a mis lectores a remitirse a mis publicaciones anteriores de Johnny Lightning, sobre las cuales pueden leer aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí y aquí. De aquí en adelante, me concentraré en los modelos en sí y sus referentes originales, los cuales me encantan

Los 50s fueron tiempos alegres, por lo que se deduce de los vehículos fabricados durante esa época. 

Por ejemplo, la colosal Chevrolet Panel Truck de 1950, es muestra de tiempos generosos (en tamaño y consumo de gasolina) y esta reproducción de JL le hace mucha justicia. 

Aunque el esquema de color y decoración es casi minimalista, usa colores brillantes lo que la hace muy atractiva. 

El trabajo en los tampos es sobresaliente y se nota sobretodo en los diminutos logos que son legibles y el diseño de los rines negros le da un aire deportivo extraño pero impactante... 

Espero contar con las visitas de mis leales fanáticos la próxima semana y de antemano, gracias a DIOS que nos cuida fielmente... =)

Like all companies, Johnny Lightning has had its ups and downs. It also went through "several hands", as having been initially part of Topper Toys (1969), became the property of Playing Mantis (1994) and in 2005 the latter was purchased by RC2 Corporation, its current owner. 

Johnny Lightning, its products and specially the consumers of such car scale replicas, have been benefited from these changes and evolution; since having known at first hand a few vintage models of this brand, I must say that the quality in all respects (molds, details, paint job, decoration, fidelity to the original) has been improved significantly. 

The latest models, though more expensive (for which some collectors complain), fully justify the investment and is a pleasure to collect them... 

If someone wants cheaper diecast, there are several options available =PPPPP... 

Here’s the story of JL, so to see the rest of it, I invite my readers to refer to my previous Johnny Lightning publications, of which you can read here, here, here, here and here. From now on, I will concentrate on the models themselves and their original referents, which I love. 

The 50s were times of happiness, and it’s clear looking at the vehicles manufactured during that time. 

For example, the colossal 1950 Chevrolet Panel Truck, is a sample of generous times (in size and fuel consumption) and this JL’s reproduction makes it a lot of justice. 

Although the color scheme and decoration is almost minimalist, it uses bright colors which makes it very attractive. 

The work on tampos is outstanding and it’s shown specially in the tiny logos which are legible and the black wheels design gives it a strange sporty look but striking... 

I look forward to the visits of my loyal fans next week and in advance, thank GOD Who cares for us faithfully... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

wow... another Johnny Lightning... awesome man... this particular model I did not see in the shop here.. oh well, the shop here only have a few (less than 10) of them anyway and that is the one and only local shop that have Johnny Lightning... internet or e-bay is the next logical solution if we need to get more items from JL brand... sigh...

David John Shewsbury said...

oh yeah.. i already put a link of yours into my "Shewsbury Roll" - list of my fellow blogger frens, by the way I use the name - "Chrisman Design" - is this OK for you? or you prefer "Hillary Clinton" instead? LOL

chrismandesign said...

THX man, you’re the very first visiting my last post... that’s what i call quick support LOL... i was pretty sure that you would like this classy truck... now i’m affraid that i have more Johnny Lightning diecasts than your local retail store LLLOOOOOLLLLLLLL... and there are more on the way =)

THX again for the link of my blog in your blogroll, i’m flattered!!!... i put as well the link of your blog in my colleagues’ list of blogs... and about the name, i would prefer you to put "My First Bloggy Experience" which is the real name of my blog and a lot better than Hillary... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Some nice chat you guys are having. I'm glad I made the recommendation of your blog to Shewsbury. You guys really click! Anyway, I like the colour scheme of this Chervy. With more red, it's going to look really Gundam. Hee! Hee! The wording on the truck makes it really cool!

chrismandesign said...

THX pal!!! i really like to meet some fellow collectors as kind and supportive as you are =)... now that you mentioned, this truck has the basic color scheme of a Gundam (reminds me a lot of my RX-78 GPO3S)... the wording is precisely the original Chevrolet logo at that time, something very in the mood of classic... =O

Bera said...

man, nice pick! is this your Christmas haul? haha. I'd like to have this casting in the future. now I am focusing on pickups and trucks. you sure have a nice taste in choosing diecast cars :) more to come!

Merry Christmas Chrisman! - is that rhyming? haha I guess not LOL

chrismandesign said...

hehe... this truck has more lovers than i expected =D... by the way, no, it’s not a Christmas haul, my Christmas hauls will be here since January, but you should know that the trucks, jeeps and pick ups will have always a place here and yeah there are more to come =)... i’m glad that we have similar tastes, so we will have something to talk about =)

P.S. it would be nice to hear: "i wish you Merry Chrisman and a Happy New Chris!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Merry Christmas Bera and a Happy New Year for us =)

David John Shewsbury said...

hey man, I suddenly found this car in a local shop here, the price is a mere USD 2.70, which I think is cheap considering that they have openable engine hood and engine details. Can u tell me how much u pay for this car there in USD equivalent? by the way I bought 5 today, Shelby GT500, Plymouth GTX and Fury (which u have), Impala SS and Ford Mustang. I haven't decide if I should take them out from packaging n do the review or leave them in Mint In Seal Packaging condition... big dilemma now.... but they all have openable engine hood n engine details that I m dying to see.... now I purposely read this review again coz tomorrow I might wanna buy this van also.... maybe....

David John Shewsbury said...

that 5 are my first from this Johnny Lightning brand n so far I m crazy about their beautiful finishing

chrismandesign said...

HEY!!! you were so lucky to find them and even better, for a very low price !!!... i’m not used to mention the cost of my toys, but as an exception i will tell you that i had to pay more for mines (US$10 each one) due to the almost irrational amount of tax that apply in my country to imported items... you end paying minimum 2 times the price published (sometimes even more) and for me is a real luxury to collect everything LOL!!!

now, you were asking me if you should open the cards of these babes and i reply: ABSOLUTELY YES!!!...but even if you don’t, i have the entire series of the 40th Johnny Lightning Anniversary, so you can choose to wait my future publications, because my policy is: I ALWAYS OPEN MY TOYS =)

David John Shewsbury said...

thanx for the info man, I m lucky to find it in 1 of those old unpopular toy shop, quite shock to see that they have some Johnny Lightning cars with marvelous price, its like u suddenly found a cave filled with great treasures LOL, u know that feeling. Wow, the price in your country is extremely high, we are lucky that there are no tax for toys here, those that cost USD 10 are usually the Johnny Lightning with bigger packaging, something like that Poker series, I knew u have it also, the classic Toyota GT2000. For this standard simple packaging, the price in here has to be USD2.70