Monday, December 26, 2011

My Top Ten Collector’s Figures Awards 2011 Limited Edition by My First Bloggy Experience

10th AWARD Batman The Dark Knight The Joker with Crime Scene Evidence Action Figure by Mattel

9th AWARD Strakk Bionicle Glatorian 8982 Building Toy by Lego

8th AWARD Chevrolet Nomad 1957 Ground Pounder Series -Release 1- Diecast Scale 1:64 by M2Machines / Castline

The Chronicles of Narnia -Prince Caspian- Centaur Glenstorm & Peepiceek Action Figures by Jakks Pacific / Play Along

6th AWARD The Dukes of Hazzard General Lee Car Limited Edition Diecast by Johnny Lightning

5th AWARD Transformers Binaltech Robots in Disguise Dodge Viper Competition Coupe - Dead End Scale 1:24 by Takara Tomy

4th AWARD Marvel Legends Ultimate Captain America Series 8 Action Figure by Toy Biz

3rd AWARD Transformers Alternators Robots in Disguise Dodge Ram SRT-10 - Nemesis Prime Scale 1:24 by Hasbro

2nd AWARD A Rare/Beautiful Gift or The Boundaries of Collecting

1st AWARD Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 Spyder/Coupe Racers Series 8169 by Lego

Ya me convencí (al menos, por ahora) que la mejor manera de cerrar el año en este blog de figuras de colección es mostrar las 10 figuras más representativas que poseo. 

Noten que dije representativas y no mejores, pues para mí TODOS los coleccionables que poseo y publico son los mejores en su tipo o representan de la mejor forma posible algo que me gusta, de no ser así, ni siquiera estarían aquí. 

No sobra recordarle a mis visitantes y fanáticos, que lo que ven, está aquí porque me gusta, porque tengo una conexión emocional con esto y créanme, NADIE me paga por publicar lo que publico... 

Eso garantiza mi honestidad e independencia. Además, ni siquiera pretendo guiar a los que visitan cándidamente mi blog sobre lo que deben o no considerar digno de ser coleccionado. 

Creo que cada cual tiene criterio (mucho o poco) para hacer su propia decisión al respecto...

Aclarado esto, puedo decir que este año que está por terminar ha sido muy satisfactorio en lo que a mi afición se refiere. 

Me las arreglé para adquirir piezas por las que había esperado ansiosamente, he recibido regalos inesperados que aprecio muchísimo y he conocido nuevos colegas que me brindan apoyo a través de sus comentarios que valoro en gran manera y me animan a continuar. 

Pero sobretodo doy gracias al DIOS Vivo y Verdadero, el DIOS de la Biblia, que me provee absolutamente todo, incluyendo lo que concierne a esta locura / pasión por los coleccionables en general. 

Por último, agradezco las visitas espontáneas de gente de todo el mundo y en especial las de aquellos que vuelven porque vieron algo que tocó alguna fibra o disparó algún recuerdo en su mente. 

Desde ahora deseo a todos un Feliz Año Nuevo, que el Señor Jesucristo continue manifestando su Gracia para Salvación y nos veremos las próxima semana si Él lo permite, con más y más curiosidades... =)

Now I’m convinced (at least, by now) that the best way to finish the year on this blog is to show the 10 most representative collection figures that I own. 

Do notice that I said representative and not the best, because for me ALL the collectibles I own and publish are the best of their kind or represent in the best way possible something I like, if that weren’t the case, they would not be here. 

Needless to remind my visitors and fans that what you see is here, because I like it, because I have an emotional connection with this, and believe me, NOBODY is paying me to publish what I publish... 

This ensure my honesty and independence. Moreover, I don’t even try to lead the candid visitors of my blog about what should or should not be considered worthy of being collected. 

I think everyone has discretion (much or little) to make their own decision... 

Now that this is clear, I can say that the year that is about to end has been very satisfactory with regard to my hobby. 

I managed to acquire pieces for which I waited anxiously, I received unexpected gifts that I appreciate very much and I have met new colleagues who are supporting me through their comments, which I value greatly and encourage me to continue. 

But most of all I thank the True and Living GOD, the GOD of the Bible, who provides me everything, including with regard to this madness / passion for collectibles in general. 

Finally I thank spontaneous visits from people all over the world and specially those who return to this digital place because they saw something that touched a fiber or shot a memory in their minds. 

Since now, I wish you all a Happy New Year, may the Lord Jesus Christ continue expressing His Grace for Salvation and we will see the next week if He allows it, with more and more curiosities... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Oh, it's the time of the year again to summarize and list down TTT. The Lego Lamborghini is definitely deserving to crown the top spot for the engineering and effort to assemble.

chrismandesign said...

yep and not only that, the Lambo was a hard treasure hunt since the models available are scarce and a "bit" expensive if you ask me... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year bro!!!

Bera said...

wow! I love the Lego Lamborgini. I bet that's expensive LOL! Happy New Year! ;)

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHA... glad to see you here commenting pal!!!... oh! the LEGO Lambo, yeah expen$$$ive sounds appropiate LLLOLOLLLOLL... Happy New Year pal!!! and let’s continue blogging =DDD

Bera said...

I'll return probably next week if I have time. I was planning to post my 1 year haul for my "New Year" post but..... I'm soooo lazy to get them from the box (where I put them temporarily while looking for a cabinet) and remove the dust and take pictures! hahahaha!

chrismandesign said...

i will be waiting for that... i know it will like me... just don’t be so lazy =PPPPP

David John Shewsbury said...

Cool.... maybe I should do this as well? hehehehe...

it doesn't matter what others think, most important is the award is based on what u like - after all, this is your blog, you the boss.... hehehehe

chrismandesign said...

yeah David, indeed it was a colleague from Singapore who encouraged me to do this countdown and now is a sort of tradition LOL... and yep i’m the boss, i give the orders (and obey them!)... THX for your visits and support man!!! =)

LEon said...

Happy New year bro. I am surprise that the joker is at position 10...he deserved to be higher. lol

chrismandesign said...

HEY pal, it’s been a long time since you post a comment here... THX!!!... now, as i said in this post, is not that the Joker (as a gift of my younger sister) is less representative for me than the rest of this countdown, no way... is that i should make a list and try to organize it as good as i can, so i had to make some arbitrary choices... =(

Happy New year for you and your beloved family =D