Sunday, January 1, 2012

2009 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Centennial Concept Super Car 2010 New Models Series Diecast Scale 1:62 by Hot Wheels

Prácticamente todas las marcas automotrices de prestigio a nivel mundial han creado lo que se denomina "autos concepto", esto es, visiones de cómo debería ser un auto en el futuro. 

Desde los años 20 del siglo pasado, los diseñadores se propusieron generar ideas novedosas en torno a un medio de transporte que se había convertido, hasta cierto punto, en algo cotidiano. 

También las grandes competencias automovilísticas dieron un gran impulso al desarrollo de autos, que incluían no sólo la mejor ingeniería mecánica disponible sino también un diseño de vanguardia en sus carrocerías, que a pesar de responder a una serie de exigentes requerimientos técnicos, eran hermosos. 

Para 1957, Pete Brock, Bill Mitchell y Larry Shinoda idearon otro de los grandes íconos automotrices de la industria norteamericana: el Chevrolet Corvette Stingray (que fue una realidad en 1959). 

En 2009 y celebrando su 50° Aniversario, vió la luz en el Chicago Auto Show el fabuloso Chevrolet Corvette StingRay Concept que publico hoy. 

Su diseño exquisito (que se tomó como base para encarnar a Sideswipe en dos cintas de Transformers) está complementado por los más modernos materiales y comodidades de alta tecnología disponibles en aquel momento. 

La réplica de Hot Wheels me encanta por su simpleza (aunque su molde fue muy bien trabajado), su esquema de color amarillo con acabado Metalflake y sus tampos precisos... 

Sólo disfruten esta belleza y con la ayuda de DIOS nos veremos la próxima semana... =)

Almost all renowned automotive brands worldwide have created what is called "concept cars", i.e. visions of how a car should be in the future. 

Since the 20s of the last century, the designers set out to generate new ideas around a means of transportation which had become, to some extend, a fact of life. 

Great car racing events as well, gave great impetus to the development of cars, which included not only the best mechanical engineering available but also a cutting edge design in their bodywork, which while responding to a series of stringent technical requirements, were beautiful. 

By 1957, Pete Brock, Bill Mitchell and Larry Shinoda devised another great automotive icon of the American industry: the Chevrolet Corvette Stingray (that became a reality in 1959). 

In 2009 and celebrating its 50th Anniversary, saw the light at the Chicago Auto Show the fabulous Chevrolet Corvette StingRay Concept that I publish today. 

Its exquisite design (which was taken as a basis to embody Sideswipe in two Transformers movies) is complemented by the latest materials and high-tech amenities available back then. 

The Hot Wheels replica is fantastic for its simplicity (although its cast was very well worked), its yellow color scheme with Metalflake finishing and its precise tampos... 

Just enjoy this beauty and with the help of GOD we will see next week... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Nice curve on the car... Sporty.... Thank you for all the support and I wish you all a even better year this year with blooming toy collection. Toast to 2012!

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHA... i’m glad to have you as one of my friends/colleagues collectors and you’re indeed the most supportive... thank you so much pal and toast to 2012!!! =DDDDD

David John Shewsbury said...

I think an old man like me still prefer those 60's body design of Stingray..... classic is gold? LOL... anyway, this new modern design is targeted at the young people so they should make it looks modern, just like this....

chrismandesign said...

well, i’m between the old and the new school, so i take a bit from here and there, the best of both worlds... i think is the perfect balance and i cannot deny that the best modern car designs owe a lot to the old car designs, is a legacy of beauty and good taste...

by the way, i don’t know why you deleted your publication on that awesome Plymouth Belvedere by Hot Wheels???... are you nuts ??? LOL... such a beast deserves another chance and i fell in love with it... you should reconsider your decision, so i can comment and express my admiration for that Muscle Car... it’s up to you pal!!!