Monday, December 31, 2012

My Top Ten Collector’s Figures Awards 2012 Limited Edition by My First Bloggy Experience

10th AWARD Tarix Bionicle Glatorian 8981 Building Toy by Lego

9th AWARD Halo 3 Vehicles -Warthog- Series 1 (2008) by McFarlane Toys

8th AWARD Assorted Group of 8 Gashapons (Crimson Tears and Linebarrels of Iron) by Yujin and Bandai

1966 Chevy Chevelle Malibu SS Muscle Cars U.S.A. Series 1 (1996) Limited Edition Diecast Scale 1:64 by Johnny Lightning

6th AWARD Marvel Universe Series 2 -014- Juggernaut Mini-Action Figure by Hasbro

5th AWARD 2010 Race World: Battle Series Humvee plus 2011 Hot Wheels 10-Pack AM General Corp by Hot Wheels

4th AWARD 2008 Kung Fu Panda Collectible Figures Wave 1 Complete Set Part 1 by Hasbro and 2008 Kung Fu Panda Collectible Figures Wave 1 Complete Set Part 2 (Final) by Hasbro

3rd AWARD 1990 Deluxe Collection Series 1000 -8003- 1977 Porsche 911 Turbo Diecast Scale 1/60 by Majorette

2nd AWARD Mucha Lucha Mix-A-Lot Set of 2 with Bonus by Jakks Pacific

1st AWARD Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior Interceptor Diecast Scale 1:18 by AUTOart

Con todo el trabajo extenuante que tuve a lo largo de este mes, estaba algo cansado para preparar esta publicación (o cualquier publicación, por si acaso), pero luego me dije: "esto no es trabajo, ¿de acuerdo?... ¡Es terapia!"... 

¡Así que dejé de quejarme como niñita y lo afronté como hombre!... 

Ahora admitámoslo, este año fue uno duro y supongo que no soy el único que piensa así. 

Tú trabajas duro y eso está bien pero algunas veces no consigues lo que quieres y no me refiero sólo a dinero (lo que es bueno, mientras puedas cumplir con tus responsabilidades) sino algo de reconocimiento =/////... 

Realmente tuve que hacer algunos ajustes a mi presupuesto (especialmente en lo que concierne a mi afición), porque mis obligaciones crecen con el tiempo, pero mi salario sigue igual hasta ahora... 

Gracias a DIOS tengo todavía un buen balance, porque sin Él soy un pésimo administrador. 

Ahora estoy tratando de enfocarme en mis gustos (¡y eso sonó raro, ya sé!)... 

Quiero decir, todavía me gusta la variedad así que no sabrán qué brotará aquí la próxima vez, pero mi presupuesto para coleccionables ha sido "encogido" así que, tengo que ser aún más restrictivo cuando me gusta algo y quiero comprarlo. 

La buena noticia es que he hecho algunos "dulces negocios" últimamente así que habrá grandes sorpresas (¿o debería decir bombas T?), esperando para ser publicadas, pero mis encargos para nuevos coleccionables han sido reducidos casi a cero. 

Bueno, supongo que es hora de pagar las cuentas y disfrutar lo que ya he recibido de manos del SEÑOR. 

De otra parte, este año he recibido muchos regalos fabulosos de mi familia, amigos y colegas coleccionistas, tantos que no pude publicarlos todos, por lo que el resto será publicado en 2013 =))))). 

También este fue el año de mi deleitoso regreso a los vehículos diecast, algo que trae de vuelta gratos recuerdos, probablemente más que otro tipo de coleccionables porque eran los únicos juguetes asequibles para mis padres en mis años mozos... 

Sin embargo, ahora como adulto, mi objetivo son las miniaturas en diecast no tan comunes, ni tan baratas (la ley de la compensación funcionando de nuevo... ¡HA!). 

Es tiempo de desear a todos mis visitantes un Año Nuevo lleno de las bendiciones del DIOS de la Biblia y el SEÑOR Jesucristo, ójala revisen su senda pues Él regresará pronto a traer justicia y rectitud este mundo asolado por toda clase de iniquidades... Él lo prometió y ninguna de Sus promesas ha fallado jamás... 

Hasta la próxima publicación... =)

With all the strenuous work that I had along this month, I was kinda tired to prepare this post (or any post, by the way) but then I said to myself: "this is not work, right?... Is therapy!"...

So I stopped complaining like a little girl to face it like a man!... 

Now let’s admit it, this year has been a tough one and I guess that I’m not the only one thinking this way. 

You work hard and that’s good but sometimes you don’t get what you want and I don’t mean only money (which is fine, while you can fulfill your responsibilities) but some recognition =/////... 

Actually I had to do some adjustments to my budget (specially when it comes to my hobby), because my obligations grow as time goes by, but my wage is still the same until now... 

Thank GOD, I still have a good balance, because without Him I’m a lousy administrator. 

Now I’m trying to focus on my tastes (and that sounded weird, I know!)... 

I mean, I still like variety so you will not know what will pop up here next time, but my budget for collectibles has been "shrunken" so, I have to be even more restrictive when I like something and I want to buy it. 

The good news is that I’ve made some "sweet deals" lately so there are some big surprises (or should I say T-Bombs?), waiting to be published, but my orders for new toys have been reduced to almost zero. 

Well, I guess it’s time to pay the bills and enjoy what I’ve already got from the hands of the LORD. 

On the other hand, this year I have received a lot of nice gifts from my family, friends and fellow collectors, so much that I couldn’t publish them all, so the rest will be published in 2013 =))))). 

Also this was the year of my delightful return to diecast vehicles, something that brings back a lot of good memories, probably more than other kind of collectibles because they were the only toys affordable for my parents in my younger years... 

However now as an adult, my target are the not so common, not so cheap diecast miniatures (the law of compensation working again... LOL). 

It’s time to wish to all my visitors a brand New Year full of the blessings of the GOD of the Bible and the LORD Jesus Christ, hopefully you check your path since He will come back soon to bring justice and righteousness to this world devastated by all kinds of iniquities... He promised and none of His promises has ever failed... 

Until next publication... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Happy New Year to you pal and wish you better year 2013. Totally understand that it can be quite tiring to commit some time for blogging despite our busy work schedule and growing commitments for family (in my case). Nice rollout of your TTT and nice Linebarrels gasaphon btw.

chrismandesign said...

thank you so much buddy for your wish and the compliment on this post !!! HEHE... after 3 years you begin to get used to blog, is a good routine, a "therapy" as i mentioned, because there are times when you’re really tired of many things and you want to think in other kind of stuff... 2013 looks promising and with the help of GOD it will be a good year... =)

David John Shewsbury said...

impressive but true, I like the Porsche and Malibu SS the most... Happy new year 2013 to you and your family, God bless you, Ave Maria...

chrismandesign said...

HEHE... you like vintage as i do, nice !!! i don’t blame you, they’re awesome it doesn’t matter how much time passes... Happy New Year and GOD bless you too !!!... maybe 2013 will be a year full of nice toys for us... =D

Bera said...

Happy New Year!!!! :D great summary of your top 10 toys for the whole year!! I wish I had planned for that :( I agree that the first award should go to the Mad Max by Autoart that's really impressive and expensive catch haha it deserves it's place.. and that Majorette! I didnt know you have that and it's pretty rare I had no idea there is a 1:60 scale diecast all I know is 1:50. I'm happy for your great hauls for the last year and I look forward seeing your 2013 hauls! :D

chrismandesign said...

happy New year pal !!! and don’t worry my lil’ grasshopper (LOLOLOL)... actually i was hesitating a bit the first time i published my TTT, but a fellow collector encouraged me to do that... this year i will be waiting for yours =D... by the way, if you want to read more info about the Majorette Porsche this link will be helpful... its 1:60 scale is almost equivalent to the regular 1:64 and is the normal scale in the old (and recent, i guess) diecast by this ex-french brand...

sl619 said...

I'm blown away by the 1st winner.
The Road Warrior Interceptor is awesome!

chrismandesign said...

HEHE... actually i didn’t expect to be this "lucky"... nowadays is an item really hard to find and if you do, the price is quite intimidating !!!... the Interceptor is an all time favorite for me and seems to be an eyecandy for you, LOL... =D