Sunday, September 23, 2012

1970 Pontiac GTO Convertible - Intermediate 2-Door Convertible Coupe / Muscle Car 2009 Black Bandit Collection Series 3 - Limited Edition 1,961 of 4,250 - Diecast Scale 1:65 by GreenLight

La mayoría de veces, las leyendas son la ampliación de un hecho cotidiano a algo de proporciones épicas, las considero como un vuelo de la imaginación y de alguna forma como una reinterpretación de la realidad. 

Estas explican el pensamiento de una cierta época o cierta comunidad, pero tienen un sentido de universalidad. 

Sin embargo, algunas veces una leyenda es tan cercana a la realidad que la puedes tocar, probar y enamorarte de ella. =OOOOO 

Quizás dirás, ¿qué tiene que ver esta reseña con eso?... Bueno, estoy presentando una leyenda "viviente" de los Muscle Cars: el Pontiac GTO Convertible de 1970

Como ya lo sabrán por mis anteriores publicaciones, Pontiac es una marca norteamericana de automóviles extinta, que fue parte del grupo General Motors. 

Recientemente, me enteré que el grandioso legado del Pontiac GTO fue heredado por el Holden Commodore, el cual es un delicioso auto australiano y esas son buenas noticias para mí. 

Esta vez no hablaré de Holden (¡pues no tengo ningún modelo de esta marca y me encantaría!) sino sobre Pontiac. 

El que estoy publicando es un ultra enérgico descapotable conocido también como "El Juez". El deflector trasero y las entradas de aire del capó no son parte de la decoración, sino señales del desempeño que hay dentro de esta bestia. 

¡Sí!... Este es un Muscle Car de tamaño completo con al menos 3 opciones en el departamento de motores: un Ram Air III, un Ram Air IV y un 455 HO tasado (supuestamente) desde 350 hp a 370 hp (es de dominio público que esta tasación está subestimada, pues las compañías de seguros ganan demasiado dinero con los vehículos de alto desempeño). 

Es la primera vez que publico un diecast de GreenLight y de hecho es apenas parte de mis regalos de cumpleaños del año pasado (publicado pocos días antes de mi próximo cumpleaños, ¡qué desastre!... HAHAHA). 

Pertenece a la Serie Black Bandit Edición Limitada de 4.250 en todo el mundo (el mío es el No. 1.961) con un tamaño ligeramente más grande que los diecast de Hot Wheels, Matchbox o Johnny Lightning, pero muy similar a los de M2Machines o Muscle Machines; en términos generales es más cercano a la escala 1:64. 

Pueden ver todos los espectaculares detalles, trabajo de pintura / tampografía y el capó con apertura en un modelo de carrocería / chasis en diecast, lo que lo hace absolutamente deseable... 

Me temo que no merezco ninguna de estas delicadezas pero así es como el Señor Jesucristo me muestra su generosidad, ¡hasta la próxima semana compañeros!...  =)

Most of the times the legends are the magnification of a daily fact to something with epic proportions, I consider them as a flight of imagination and somehow as a reinterpretation of reality. 

These explain the thinking of certain time or certain community, but have a sense of universality. 

However, sometimes a legend is so close to reality that you can even touch it, taste it and fall in love with it. =OOOOO 

You may say, what this post has to do with it?... Well, I’m introducing a "living" legend of the Muscle Cars: the 1970 Pontiac GTO Convertible

As you already know by my previous publications, Pontiac is an extincted American brand of cars, which was part of the General Motors group. 

Recently, I realized that the great legacy of the Pontiac GTO was inherited by the Holden Commodore, which is a delicious Aussie car and those are good news for me. 

This time I will not talk about Holden (since I don’t have any model of this brand and I would love it!) but about Pontiac. 

The one I’m publishing is an ultra hot ragtop with a distinctive front and also known as "The Judge". The rear spoiler and the hood scoops are not part of the decoration, but a signal of the performance inside this beast. 

Yeah!... this is a full size Muscle Car with at least 3 options in the engine department: a Ram Air III, a Ram Air IV and a 455 HO rated (allegedly) from 350 hp to 370 hp (is public domain that those rates are underestimated, since the insurance companies make a lot of money with high performance vehicles). 

This is the first time I publish a GreenLight diecast and in fact this is barely part of my last year birthday’s gifts (published few days before my next birthday, what a mess!... HAHAHA). 

It belongs to the Black Bandit Series Limited Edition 1 of 4,250 worldwide (mine is # 1,961), with a size slightly bigger than those diecast by Hot Wheels, Matchbox or Johnny Lightning, but very similar to those by M2Machines or Muscle Machines; in general terms it’s closer to 1:64 scale. 

You can see all the great details, paint / tampo job and the opening hood in a model with diecast body / chassis, which make it absolutely desirable... 

I’m afraid that I don’t deserve any of these delicacies but that’s how the Lord Jesus Christ shows me His Generosity, until next week folks!...  =)


Bera said...

wow!! black bandit! that's something new here. GL and JL (and they both want the light) are in the battle in terms of the detailing... although, GL has fewer selections of casting vs JL. I can't really give my score for both of them 'coz the only casting I buy from them is Shelby Cobra. We both know that hahaha! but I've seen their works and I can say they both did well on their works.

The Black Bandit series is very catchy for me. I love black and they really chose the right casting for this series. Sad to say, no cobra :( this GTO convertible has a very nice touch. Matte black looks very perfect. It looks like a Hollywood car to me hahahaa

P.S. Just in case you didn't notice, I'm posting not just one post now per week. (I'm trying to) hahaha! I hope you check them out too.

'til next time ;)

chrismandesign said...

uhmmm... i think some changes are happening here and there are more to come... you will notice it =OOOOO... well, let me tell you that the level of detail and finishing between JL and GL is pretty much the same, but JL works with a slightly smaller size, so there is more merit in the work of JL and as you mentioned they have more models available than GL...

on the other hand, as this is barely the 3rd Series of this line, i think there are some chances to see the Shelby Cobra in the future...

oh, i will be tuned with your blog for sure, you already have my loyalty pal... =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Even In Singapore insurance in Singapore is a lot higher when someone owns a sport car. Nice looking convertible that black suited it better. A very well made diecast, no wonder its limited edition.

chrismandesign said...

i can barely imagine how much the insurance companies charge for a Lexus LF-A LOL...yeah, the black color works really good on this car and indeed is a "triple black" paint scheme which i will explain in later publications...

P.S. your gifts arrived on Wednesday, the past week =DDDDD... Thank you so much !!!... as the stuff are diverse, i think i will publish them slowly, with some of my own stuff related... =D