Sunday, November 4, 2012

1966 Dodge Charger HEMI - Intermediate 2-Door Fastback Hardtop Coupe 2010 Detroit-Muscle Series Release 10 Diecast Scale 1:64 by M2 Machines / Castline

Ya era tiempo que M2Machines regresara a sacudir el piso de este blog. Estaba ansioso de compartir estas adquisiciones, que me fueron dadas el año pasado para mi cumpleaños. 

Creo que no hay suficiente tiempo en lo que resta del año para mostrarlo todo, pero no tengo prisa. 

Uhmmmm, ansioso y sin prisa, parece una contradicción pero tiene mucho sentido para mí y eso es lo que importa aquí =PPPPP...

Ahora, digamos que esta marca de Arcadia, California, ha creado una buena reputación en poco tiempo fabricando diecast premium por un precio razonable. 

De hecho, muchas marcas, más costosas, querrían lograr este nivel de calidad. 

Ellos tienen también una gran variedad de modelos, que van creciendo en número a medida que el tiempo pasa... ¡Fabuloso!... 

Decidí liberar el poder M2M empezando por el padre de todos los Chargers: el Coupé Fastback Dodge Charger HEMI de 1966

Escuché que algunos dueños de concesionarios de Chrysler, en esa época, sintieron preocupación por el éxito del Plymouth Barracuda (¿envidia dentro de Chrysler?... Debe ser una fábula... ¡HA!) y se quejaron ante los directivos, así que la respuesta de estos últimos fue un Muscle Car de tamaño mediano insoportablemente bello. 

Este es, de hecho, el único Fastback en la historia del Charger y esto lo hace doblemente especial. 

El diseño es tan refinado y aerodinámico que necesitó un deflector de aire, con el fin de ganar más tracción y reducir considerablemente el efecto de levante. 

Encima de todo, Dodge fue suficientemente generosa para llenar el espacio debajo del capó con un motor 426 Street HEMI 7,0 L V8 tasado en 425 bhp... ¡Viejo, eso es casi obsceno!... 

Solo 468 Chargers HEMI fueron construidos, así que no lo verán muy a menudo. 

Sólo miren todo el encantador detalle logrado en esta réplica diecast y sin mencionar el soberbio trabajo de pintura en ese azul oscuro metálico que te da la sensación de haber sido parte del reparto de "The Hitcher" (estás asustado, ¿EH?)...

M2 Machines sabe como complacer a sus fanáticos con esta serie repleta de características como: apertura de puertas y capó, chasis y carrocería en diecast, motor / interiores detallados y una linda base de exhibición, ¿qué más podrías pedir?...

Bendito sea el Señor Jesucristo Quien nos dió la salvación por Su sacrificio... Hasta la próxima... =)

It was about time for M2Machines to come back and shake the ground below this blog. I was eager to share these hauls, which were given to me the past year for my birthday. 

I think there is not enough time in the rest of this year to show you all, but I have no hurry. 

Uhmmmm, anxious and no hurry, seems a contradiction but it makes a lot of sense for me and that’s what really matters here =PPPPP...

Now, let’s say that this brand from Arcadia, California, has made a good reputation in a short time manufacturing premium diecast for a reasonable price. 

Indeed, many brands, more expensive, would want to achieve this level of quality. 

They have as well a wide selection of models, which are growing in number as time goes by... Great!... 

I decided to release the M2M power starting by the father of all the Chargers: the 1966 Dodge Charger HEMI Fastback Coupe

I heard that some dealers in Chrysler, at that time, felt a worry about the success of the Plymouth Barracuda (envy inside Chrysler?... That must be a fable... LOL!) and complained to managers, so the latter’s reply was this medium size Muscle Car excruciatingly beautiful. 

This is in fact the only Fastback in the Charger history and that makes it doubly special. 

The design is so sleek and aerodynamic that it needed a spoiler, in order to gain more traction and reduce considerably the lift effect. 

On top of that, Dodge was generous enough to fill the space below the hood with a 426 Street HEMI 7.0 L V8 engine rated at 425 bhp... Man, that’s almost obscene!... 

Only 468 Chargers HEMI were build, so you will not see it so often. 

Just watch all the lovely detail achieved in this diecast replica and not to mention the superb paint job in that metallic dark blue which gives you the feeling that it was part of the casting of "The Hitcher" (are you scared, HUH?)...

M2 Machines knows how to please its fans with this series stuffed with features like: opening doors and hood, both chassis and body in diecast, detailed interiors / engine and a nice display base, so what else you can ask for?...

Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ Who gives us the salvation by His sacrifice... Until next time... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

More of your classic car in roll pal. Good paint works with the shine and I sure like the opening doors and bonnet. Nice display base there like the car on steel place.

chrismandesign said...

yep, M2Machines is one of my favorite brands, very realistic and is delightful to find a good assortment of classic Muscle Cars for a decent price... oh, the display base is something you really appreciate... this is one of those items that worth more than it cost !!!... THX for your compliments on this diecast pal =)

sl619 said...

Yo Chris! Just stopping by to say HELLO AGAIN! haha!
The quality in this small scale models are just great. But in my country its a bit hard to find this brand. Do they make new cars (Sport Cars) by the way?

chrismandesign said...

hey, you came back to the fold !!! HEHEHE... you’re very welcome... =D M2Machines is available here in my country fortunately, even for a reasonable price... i guess that since is a brand intended for american audience, the availability in the east side of the world must be an issue, but the fans of american Muscle Cars are scattered around the world... well, this brand only make american Muscle Cars mini-replicas, so no, modern sport cars are not available... but there are some samples made by another american brand: Greenlight... how about its availability in Malaysia pal ???

sl619 said...

Icic. THanks for the info bro. Greenlight? Even worse, totally nvr heard of it. HAHAHA

Bera said...

sexiness over load!! hahahaha made me feel jealous. I haven't had any castings by M2 because theyre quite expensive indeed. and if ever, I'll buy one, I'd go for a pickups - I think you already know why :D

great sexy catch! :D

chrismandesign said...

WOW !!! i didn’t expect such reaction, but you know, is a Charger after all LOL... i would call it brutally sexy since it has as much of beauty as of beast...

uhmmm the availability is proportional with the price so i guess that’s the reason why is so expensive there... i mean, is not that is cheap here, but the price seems affordable for me and very reasonable since i think it could be really expensive (but it’s worth and i would pay the extra cost gladly)... =)

David John Shewsbury said...

The openable engine hood reminded me of those models from Johnny Lightning. I would want this for sure!!!!!

chrismandesign said...

these models are a bit bigger than those by JL and unlike the latter they have openable doors as well... excellent detail, paint job, tampos and beautiful display base, a great collectible indeed... =)