Sunday, December 2, 2012

1992 Nissan D21 (Hardbody) King-Cab Pickup Truck Collector 383 1996 Race Truck Series 4/4 Diecast Scale 1:64 by Hot Wheels

En ocasiones, lucir genial y robar todas las miradas (como es el caso con el humilde dueño de este blog... A veces... ¡HAHAHA!) no son las únicas cosas que necesitas, cuando tienes que cargar algunas "cosas extra"...

Si quieres lucir con estilo y cargar media tonelada, entonces necesitas una pickup, ¿correcto?... Qué estaban pensando, ¿EH?...

Ya saben que me encantan las pickups, pero ya era hora de mostrar con MÁS hechos todo ese "entrañable" amor. 

He estado en una especie de búsqueda de tesoros (no confundir con Trea$ure Hunt$... =PPPPP) y mi objetivo era precisamente este tipo de vehículos, pero he tenido dos problemas... 

En primer lugar: disponibilidad... Realmente no hay muchos modelos disponibles en el universo de fabricantes de diecast y/o estos desaparecen rápidamente de los estantes (físicos y digitales). 

Y en segundo lugar: el factor precio... Puedes adivinar que cuando la disponibilidad es un problema, debes esperar que el precio sea proporcionalmente más alto y... ¡Bingo!... Ese es exactamente el caso aquí. =@@@@@ 

Bien, cuando quieres algo, tú haces (casi) todo lo necesario para conseguirlo, así que gracias a las habilidades de este coleccionista de muy bajo perfil, logré conseguir algunas deliciosas pickups (¡también vans!). 

Empecémos con algo de Japón... Nissan tiene una línea sólida de pickups y en los 80s fue lanzada la serie D21, que fue la sucesora de la Datsun 720... Después de un cambio en el diseño global en 1986, fue conocida también como camioneta "Hardbody"

El diseño de la carrocería es un poquitín cuadrado, pero más agresivo que su predecesora, pienso que lucen fabulosas y varoniles hasta el presente. 

Los motores disponibles iban desde 1,6 L hasta 2,4 L (4-cilindros en línea hasta V6) y un máximo de 106 hp en la primera generación, también opciones de tracción 4x2 y 4x4. 

Desafortunadamente la "potencia real" para estas camionetas duró un "poco" más debido a las exigentes regulaciones de los EE.UU. para esa fecha. =///// 

Hot Wheels hizo un fabuloso trabajo en este modelo, diseñado por Larry Wood, el cual creo que es una Camioneta Pickup Nissan D21 (Hardbody) King-Cab de 1992

Hay una gran cantidad de lindos detalles aquí y allá, como el bómper reforzado con cabrestante, la barra antivuelco con luces antiniebla, la altura extra para hacer espacio a las ruedas tipo RC (Ruedas de Construcción), carrocería metálica con chasis plástico (bellamente cromado), monstruoso motor extra en el platón, hermoso trabajo de pintura en azul índigo con acabado de Metalflake y tampos grandiosos que incluyen el parabrisas delantero... 

¡Bueno, pagas lo que obtienes, así que no hay remordimientos aquí!... 

La bondad del SEÑOR Jesucristo es inexplicable, sólo la puedes disfrutar, ser agradecido y servirle, y eso nunca será suficiente para retribuir Sus maravillas en tu vida ... 

Hasta la próxima publicación amigos... =)

Sometimes, looking awesome and steal all the eyes (as is the case with the humble owner of this blog... At times... HAHAHA!) are not the only things you need, when you have to carry some "extra stuff"...

If you want to look stylish and carry half a ton, then you need a pickup, right?... What were you thinking, HUH?... 

You already know that I love pickups, but it was about time to show with MORE facts all that "endearing" love. 

I have been in a sort of treasure hunt (not to be confused with Trea$ure Hunt$... =PPPPP) and my target was precisely this kind of vehicles, but I have had two problems... 

Firstly: availability... Actually there are not many models available in the diecast manufacturers universe and/or they quickly disappear from the shelves (physical and digital). 

And secondly: the price point... You can guess than when availability is an issue, you should expect the cost to be proportionally higher and... Bingo!... That’s exactly the case here. =@@@@@ 

Well, when you want something, you do (almost) whatever it takes, so thanks to the skills of this very low profile collector, i managed to get some delightful pickups (also vans!). 

Let’s begin with something from Japan... Nissan has a solid line of pickups and in the 80s was released the D21 series, which was the successor of the Datsun 720... After a change in the overall style in 1986, it was also known as "Hardbody" truck. 

The body design is a tad squared, but more aggressive than its predecessor, I think they still look great and manly at the present. 

The engines available were from a 1.6 L to a 2.4 L (4-cylinder to V6) and a maximum of 106 hp in the first generation, also 2WD and 4WD drive options. 

Unfortunately the "real power" for these trucks took a "little" longer due to the stringent regulations in the U.S.A. at that time. =///// 

Hot Wheels has made a great job on this model, designed by Larry Wood, which I think is a 1992 Nissan D21 (Hardbody) King-Cab Pickup Truck

There are a lot of nice details here and there, like the bumper guard with winch, the roll bar with fog lamps, the extra height to make some space for the CT type (Construction Tires) wheels, metal body with plastic chassis (nicely chrome), monstrous extra-engine in the bed, beautiful paint job in indigo with Metalflake finishing and great tampos which includes the windshield... 

Well, you pay what you get, so no regrets in this case!... 

The goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ is inexplicable, you can only enjoy it, be thankful and serving Him and that will never be enough to giving back His wonders in your life... 

Until my next publication fellas... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Nice off-road race kind of pick-up and yah, we can tell it's a Nissan with those paints. Very well made Hotwheels that definitely won't survive in my son's hands. All the Hotwheels pick up he has was forcefully pushed from on top that the shaft supporting the wheels would get bended. I bet you must be pay an exclusive price for this?

chrismandesign said...

ohhh, you noticed that it was a Nissan by the decor ??? LOL... yeah the bent wheels is an issue with this kind of models by Hot Wheels and other brands (specially in the "extreme conditions" you mentioned XDDDDD)... in the case of HW the problem is that the axis of the wheels has the same thickness of the regular models... there are some reinforcements bellow the chassis which help a bit... now, the price... are you a soothsayer ??? XDDDDDD... =)

Bera said...

wow nice 4x4 you got there! I just love that blown engine at the back - it gave me an idea for my next mod haha kidding. I haven't seen this truck by HotWheels @_@ it's a release in 1996 so it could be hard to find now. It would be better if the tires are rubber. Why don't you try swapping the wheels? ;)

chrismandesign said...

i knew you would like it since i know about your weakness for the trucks, pickups, jeeps and related (same here, don’t worry pal =P)...

this is a beautiful model indeed, with 12 years in the market and it’s no longer in production, so is vintage and yeah hard to find, specially at a reasonable price...

uhmmmm, rubber tires... could be a good idea but there are at least two reason to reconsider it... first the CT type tires are no longer in production as well, so they are rarer than the rubber tires themselves, i prefer to keep its originality... and second, the option of getting a new spare Nissan (Hardbody) Truck to customize it with rubber tires is a bit difficult since it would be something like almost US$30 for one piece placed here after shipping and taxes =OOOOOO... no way !!! but THX for your suggestion pal =)

cortesmachineart said...

...juemadre... sujetate hawee... entramos en trocha a bajar mero platano... pilas pilas las vacas...ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnn... esta del charajo ese die cast...

cortesmachineart said...

... juemadre ruuuuuuuunnn sujetate christiam... tamos a punto de pasar por detras de corabastos... esoooooo hagale pase por encima de esas gambas dicen qe dan puntos... ademas con esta suculenta camioneta de ensueño hasta los tombos aguantan su pizon...jajajajajajaja... de nuevo sorprendiendo... no haga mas mijo...

cortesmachineart said...

...sujetate chris...tamos a punto de entrar por la parte de atras de corabastos...a estripar unos cuantos ñeros ... claro que si pisamos uno que otro tombo no me pongo bravo con esta semejante maquina... nuevamente sorprendiendo con sus sorpresas de alto actanaje... no haga mas...

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHAHA... se volvió parclanchín el compadre... pues ya ve mijo, manejando bajo perfil, por la sombrita y bregando a conseguir cositas raras a un precio razonable... estaba detrás de esta bestia desde hace rato, pero sumercé sabe que las obligaciones están primero... ahí la tengo a la vista y claro, un día de estos me lo arrastro pal’ Amparo (detrasito de Abastos) pa’ darles piso a esa mano de guscupercorrias que se la pasan chalequeando a la gente indefensa, no hay derecho !!! XDDDDD... muy apreciados sus comentarios, jefe =)

David John Shewsbury said...

Not a big fan of this 4 Wheel Moster truck but I cannot deny that this particular model is rock!!!!!!

chrismandesign said...

actually i was eager to get it for a long time, but i had to wait for a reasonable price (i mean, after shipping and taxes which in my case are somewhat frightening...) finally i got it and i’m very satisfied... THX for commenting here pal... =D