Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to Dissapoint a Collector Figures’ Blogger (2010) Set of a Few Complains by Christiam Guzmán

OK... It’s enough... I’m tired that many people just visit my blog and don’t even leave a comment :@ (thanks a lot to those people who do it, I really appreciate it =)... This is not a virtual showcase which you pass by without consequences (it’s too dangerous!) (run for your lives!)... There is a person behind (in the darkest shadows, boo!), who needs attention (maybe psychiatric care, to be precise...) SHUT UP!... Let’s continue. I already know about the country you came from, even the city, the publishing you visited and the keywords you used to arrive to my blog (I know as well your genealogical tree up to you grand, grand, grand, grand parents, the number(s) of your credit card(s), the password of every single e-mail account you have, the movies you hate...) SHUT UP AGAIN!... Well maybe I have a tiny issue with my multiple personalities (terrific!) (it’s so cool!) (c’on, you are just a pretty normal employee in an unethical genetic lab) SHHUUUT UP! . . . 

That’s better... I love this hobby and I expect you to do the same. Many of my figures are hard to get and expensive. I take my time to take the best pictures I can, and also to prepare the reviews. It’s a hobby, but I take it seriously!... It’s too hard to leave a comment (in english or spanish)?... Do you need a Ph. D to become a fan / follower of my blog?... (Is there a bank near here?) (why the tires are rounded and not squared or rectangular?).. HEY YOU!.. (I didn’t say anything) (neither I)... I would like to see growing my list of fans  /followers (and I want it now!)... I need also your support with respectful and relevant comments... Is that too much?... If I don’t get at least one more fan / follower in the next two days, I will not publish anything anymore... =PPPPP

I’m serious

I’m really serious

I already told you... Don’t mess with me!

This recording will self-destroy in 5 seconds...4, 3, 2...


LEon said...

LOL I understand your fustration. I faced the same thing too. I am starting a "goupie" thingy over at my end and to date no ones know or sign up.

Anyway continue what you are doing, I am sure in time to come your readership and comment will grow.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Sounded angry pal. Let me be the first to comment on this post. You will get the constant support for me man! Don't worry about the number of comment. I started of with no single comment for period of almost 6 months. I solely wanted to take pics of my toys and showcasing that's all. My pics look really crap those days. After sometime, you will find people of the same interest. Just like how I get to know Leon (open the toy).

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Oh no! Leon beat me to be the first to comment!

chrismandesign said...

kjakjakjkajkakaja... thy so much, my two pals/colleagues... myb i sounded a ltl upset, but when i prepared this post, i can stop to laugh... ¿¿¿am i a freak??? totally... i’m glad to mock myself... this publishing is a sort of inverse publicity... in fact, thx GOD, i get some fans unexpectedly in a few months... but i need more... i want to share this amazing hobby with everyone in this planet !!!

cortes said...

HELLO... que va¡ dejémonos de vainas yo para el ingles soy malito así que seré lo que soy...

L A T I N O ...

la verdad su comentario me parece un poco pasado pero en su contexto ud tiene razón pero tiene que tener cuidado, pues la mayoría de la gente no creo lo tome como un aviso amistoso... claro que aquí entre nos... nosotros los colegas estamos para apoyarnos, así que fresco que pa las que sea socio...


sin mente como los muñecos...

chrismandesign said...

@ Cortés:

hermanito, algunas veces toca salirse de los chiritos... porque hay gente que viene por aquí, mira, copia las imágenes (cosa que me enerva !!!) y se va, sin decir ni pío... no friegue !!!, esa vaina me parece ofensiva... al menos que se hagan fans y comenten en las publicaciones, esa es la forma correcta de apoyar este esfuerzo... =PPPPP