Sunday, November 25, 2012

1980 NASA Tracking Vehicle 1982 Superfast Series #54 Lesney England Diecast Scale 1:114 by Matchbox

Es un hecho que los artículos en tú colección no "llegan" de la forma "usual" en todas las oportunidades...

Ocasionalmente tú los compras en una tienda local o contáctas un colega coleccionista en tú ciudad natal y compras los artículos que quieres en su "catálogo"; hay ocasiones en que terminas construyendo una amistad sólida, la cual no está relacionado exclusivamente con lo que tú coleccionas... 

Tienes la opción también de comprar tu artículo directamente en una tienda en línea o encargarlo a través de un proveedor de confianza; este es mi caso la mayoría de veces, pues los artículos que quiero, no están disponibles localmente o sus precios aquí son demasiado altos como para considerarlo seriamente... 

No debemos olvidar cuando recibimos un coleccionable como regalo; siempre es una sorpresa grandiosa y a veces, el pretexto para iniciar una nueva línea de colección que no habías imaginado... 

Bien, ninguna de estas fue la forma en que conseguí el artículo publicado hoy. 

Fue una especie de herencia... Mi hermano mayor lo consiguió hace mucho tiempo (no tengo idea cómo lo hizo, pues los modelos de Matchbox eran realmente difíciles de conseguir localmente por esa época...) junto con otras curiosidades ya "extintas"

Debo admitir que sentí envidia y lo quería desesperadamente...

El tiempo pasó, mi hermano formó su propia familia y dejó algunas cosas olvidadas... Una de ellas fue precisamente este vehículo "pasado de moda" y después de dudarlo un poco, ¡lo tomé!... 

No, no fue un robo... Fue tomado, pues mi hermano ya no estaba interesado más en él... Llámenlo: la ley de la compensación... ¡HA!... 

Esta corta historia explicará el fuerte valor emocional que esta pieza tiene para mí =DDDDD... 

Me encanta tal cuál es... Con todos esos rayones (las señales del tiempo y la felicidad), las ruedas desgastadas, los tampos y piezas cromadas descascaradas y por si acaso, ¡no lo restauraré pues sería una completa insensatez!...

No pude encontrar información confiable sobre el vehículo real que se tomó como base para este modelo, lo cual me hace pensar que es una extrapolación de VRs (Vehículos Recreativos) disponibles a principios de los 80s.

Este es un Matchbox genuíno hecho en Inglaterra hace 30 años. El nivel de detalle es sorprendentemente bueno, a pesar de ser una extrapolación. 

Creo que es mejor que los más recientes, lo que es gracioso porque tú esperas una mejora en la calidad y precisión a medida que el tiempo pasa, pero todas esas asquerosas políticas de reducir los costos de producción arruinan casi todo =@@@@@... 

Excelentes trabajos de pintura y tampografía (cuando las cosas son hechas para durar, bueno...) y dos truquitos disponibles: antena girable y apertura de puerta del lado izquierdo. 

Carrocería y chasis en diecast y lindo interior en rojo, realmente tú terminas extrañando aquellos tiempos cuando tales réplicas a escala eran hechas tan cuidadosamente y para jugar (suspiro*)... 

El DIOS de la Biblia te da siempre más de lo que tú mereces, ¿qué le has dado a cambio a Él?... 

Hasta la próxima semana... =)

Is a matter of fact that the items in your collection don’t "arrive" in the "usual" way all the times... 

Occasionally you buy your items in a local store or you contact a fellow collector in your hometown and buy the items you want in his / her "catalog"; there are times when you end up building a solid friendship, which is not exclusively related with what you collect... 

You have the option as well of buying your item directly in an online store or order it through a trusted supplier; most of the times this is my case, since the items I want, are not available locally or their prices are way too expensive to consider it... 

We must not forget when we receive a collection item as a gift; is always a great surprise and at times the excuse to star a new line of collection you had not imagined before... 

Well, none of these was the way I got the item published today. 

It was a sort of inheritance... My older brother got it a long time ago (no idea how he did it, since Matchbox models were really hard to get locally at that time...) along with another "extincted" curiosities. 

I must admit that I felt envy and I wanted this item so bad...

Time passed, my brother formed his own family and left some stuff forgotten... One of them was precisely this "old fashioned" vehicle and after some hesitation I just grabbed it!... 

No, it was not a robbery... It was taken, because my brother wasn’t interested on it anymore... Call it: the law of compensation... LOL!... 

This short story will explain the strong emotional value that this piece has for me =DDDDD... 

I love it just the way it is... With all those scratches (the signs of time and joy), the worn wheels, the tampos and chromed parts peeled and just in case, I will not restore it since it will be a complete nonsense!...

I couldn’t find reliable information about the actual vehicle which was taken as a basis for this model, which make me think that it’s an extrapolation of RVs (Recreational Vehicles) available in the early 80s.

This is a genuine Matchbox made in England 30 years ago. The level of detail is surprisingly good, despite being an extrapolation. 

I think that is better than the recent releases which is funny, because you expect an improvement in the quality and accuracy as time goes by, but all those nasty policies to cut down the production costs just ruin almost everything =@@@@@... 

Great paint and pad printing jobs (when the things are made to last, well...) and two gimmicks available: rotatable antenna and opening door at the left side. 

Body and chassis in diecast and nice interiors in red, actually you end missing those times when such scale replicas were made so carefully and playable (sigh*)... 

The GOD of the Bible always gives you much more than you deserve so, what you have gave to Him in return?... 

Until next week... =)


Bera said...

hahaha! drooling here! that's a treasure well kept I must say. You're so lucky to have that vintage Matchbox and it's a Lesney England! you know that's hard to find nowadays and a bit pricey too. You're brother really knows what to pick then hahaha

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

A toy that's inherited from your brother and a long history of 30 years. High sentimental value of the toy and one that really has been throughly played by your brother judging from the paint chip & chrome wear like my son tossing his HW cars and ramming them. The mechanism that open/close the door is an added fun thinking when it 30 years back.

chrismandesign said...

to Bera:

add some drool of mine as well LOL... another interesting fact about this inheritance is that, if i’m not wrong, it was already slightly used when it was acquired by my brother, but he was more careful than me myself at that time, for that reason is still in good condition (better than mint, because it has a story behind =D)...

i’m quite sure is really hard find (at least at an affordable price) but the emotional value surpass by far that price... =)

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

seriously my brother was more indulgent with his toys than i with mine at that time LOL... actually i used to "play hard" with my toys so they didn’t last for so long... i lost many treasures thanks to my "abilities to destroy" ;(((((...

the particular gimmick you mentioned was available only in the oldest series of this model (which i think is no longer in production) and only for 1982 and 1983

i just love it, pal !!! =)

cortesmachineart said...

...juepuerca socio... en pantalla registro un OVNI...que hacemos mijo, lo que hacemos con los que vienen a alborotar el gallinero?... no quiero que me pelen mas la... navecita, no ve que los latoneros ahora se volvieron re careros mijo pilax... nuevamente checando su coleccion de rarezas...congratulations mijo

chrismandesign said...

uy sip, mírelo descendiendo... espere, se están bajando unos personajes muy curiosos de ese OVNI... son pequeñitos y azules... qué terronera !!!... qué ??? ahhhh no, son los pitufos !!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

aja !!! aquí no más desempolvando recuerdos... y téngase de atrás que hay cositas raras en camino (y no precisamente suspiritos azules XDDDDD

sl619 said...

dude, I have lots of these weared-off die cast vehicles from my early years. HAHAHA. They were all scared from my own bashings. LOL.
Great to see them lying around whenever I go back to my hometown.

chrismandesign said...

HEHE... a kiddo who didn’t play with diecast, could be considered a kiddo actually ??? LOL... yeah, they bring back fond memories, mine unfortunately didn’t survive my extra not-careful treatment, if that were the case well, my collection would have a bunch of mini-treasures... finally i got back to my childhood WOOOOOHHH !!! =D

David John Shewsbury said...

I don't mind to have this hehehehe... this is awesome!!! I will repaint this for sure (if it's mine)..

chrismandesign said...

oh yeah, i know most of the people would try to restore it since the model itself is in very good condition but as for me it will remain as it is... you’re doing your homework pretty fine LOL... =)