Saturday, January 16, 2010

Savage Dragon 10th Anniversary Image Comics Heroes Series - Special Limited Edition by McFarlane Toys

En mi blog, también hay un espacio privilegiado para las figuras del cómic americano (y de otras latitudes... Noodles! es un ejemplo del comic francés, por ejemplo). Esta reseña la hago a nombre del dueño de esta pieza (mi amigo Ricardo Contreras...).

probable que muchos no tengan idea alguna de este personaje, creado por Erik Larsen (¡quien además escribió la historia y dibuja el personaje!) cuya primera aparición fue en 1986, en el cómic Megaton No. 3. 

Él es un humanoide, con una apariencia bastante particular gracias a su piel verdosa y la aleta en su cabeza, que posee super fuerza y un factor genético que le permite curarse rápidamente. 

¡Para sorpresa de muchos, es un oficial de policía de Chicago! (¡el papel aguanta todo! ¡HA!) y ayuda a combatir delicuentes mutantes. Entre los conocedores, ha resultado una historia atractiva así que, tiene sus seguidores fieles.

La figura de 7 3/4" de alto, por su parte, es de excelente calidad, fabricada en PVC y resina, muy bien
detallada y su trabajo de pintura es más que meritorio; cuenta con un pequeño diorama que funciona increíblemente en su exhibición, su nivel de articulación es mínimo, así que se clasificaría mejor como estatua.


In my blog, there is also a prominent space for figures from the American comic (and from another latitudes... Noodles! is an example of french comic, for instance). I made this review in the name of the owner of this piece (my friend Ricardo Contreras...).

It’s likely that
many people will not have any idea about this character, created by Erik Larsen (who wrote the story and draw the character as well!) whose first appearance was in 1986, in the comic Megaton # 3. 

He’s a humanoid, with a weird look thanks to his green skin and the fin above his head, which has super strength and a genetic factor that allows him to heal quickly. 

To the surprise of many, he’s a police officer from Chicago! (the paper stands against all odds! LOL!) and he helps to combat mutant offenders. Among connoisseurs, it has been an attractive story, so it has its loyal followers.

The figure itself is 7 3/4" high, has an excellent quality, made in PVC and resin, very well detailed and its paint job is
more than worthy; it has a little diorama which works amazingly in exhibition, its level of articulation is minimum, so I would classify this one as a statue.


LEon said...

Ya. At least he got a figure done for him. I came to know the comic in early 90s but I didn't really follow it. :)

chrismandesign said...

WOW... then this comic story cross the seas !!! i would never imagine that somebody from so far, knows bout this character... even if u won’t follow his story =P ... but i guess u r in agreement with me, that the figure itself is pretty & very well manufactured...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I do follow English comic. But for Mc Farlene to make a toy of the character. It must have quite some fans. Nice figure and I wish I got that kind of body. Not the skin. Ha! Ha!

chrismandesign said...

kjakjakjakjkajkjak... u mean that thin & decrepit body ??? kjakjakkajkak... me too, & dun mind to be a green freak if i can giv a lesson to some bad guys/gals outhere kjakkajkjkajkjakjakjka

Tom Freak said...

Savage Dragon was one of the most important characters in Image Comics, a company that wanted to compete with DC and Marvel. The characters there, including Spawn, were quite famous during the 90s since most of the astist that worked there were importat names that didn't want to be a part of DC/Marvel like Todd McFarlane or Jim Lee.

This Savage Dragon is more like a statue, but there was an action figure of him released by Toybiz (or Marvel Toys) in the first wave of Legendary Comic Book Heroes in 2007.

chrismandesign said...

Thx Freak... now u r one of my regular commentator, so the next step is: to become my fan (i’m already ur fan !)... Marvel, indeed, is the "mothership" where many of the most important american comic’s creators, cartoonist, pencilers, inkers (and lately, digital colourist...) take their first ride (DC - Detective Comics as well, owes its origin to Marvel Comics...) Although some artists began their own projects, not all had an outstanding success and the legacy of Marvel can’t be denied...

cortes said...

Que tal...

mr. figurineman...juajuajuajuajua...

...impresionante pieza de coleccion y la verdad cuando hablamos de mc farlane hablamos de muy buen trabajo...(claro teniendo en cuenta que ultimamente estan aflojando en calidad, pero bueno...)esta es una pieza super... en todo el sentido de la palabra y como personaje se muy poco la verdad pero me gusta resto... y como buen colombiano agradesco la oportunidad que ud mr. figurineman nos da a los amantes de las figuras de coleccion...

chrismandesign said...

caballero... ya ve que su piecita está muy pispireta, las fotos quedaron uvapotamo, narafante y jirapiña... aquí el espacio está abierto y la idea es dar a conocer esto al mundo, el coleccionismo en Colombia tiene buenos representantes... pa’la muestra, los botones de este blog...